Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

well... as u know... PC User (ses it all!!) lol... but as i sed, many times... i am very inquisitive... and Wanna try out a Mac..
Now my mate works @ a company.. who happen 2 win a brand new iBook ... (Long Story!)

And Yet... They Don't Need.. and Never will it seems...
ANY Mac...

Now... i know the Memory on it is MEGA Low... However... i assume it ain't too hard 2 upgrade!

Now... they Agreed... 2 Lend me the iBook... Lemmie Have a Play... See what i think...

And Supposedly, they would sell... (Literally Brand New) 4 £500!
Now u guys Mos Def know the Price's of things like this...
i am "quite" (Don't Quote me! lol) sure
it's a G3 500MHz (does that Sound Right?! )
i think it's either 64 or 128Mb RAM ....
It's Deffo Running OS X... i have Seen it...

Hmmm... Besides that... i know Very little!
but i imagined this kinda machine, would be good... 2 learn on... and decide whether Mac is for me....

Now,as far as system spec goes... i gave ya little... but does £500 Seem Steep?! or is that reasonable!?
Can Some1 Fill me in, on how easy it is, 2 upgrade Memory...And how Cheap or NOT (heaven Forbid) it is?!

Cheers Guys...

(a possible Mac "newbie" lol)

Thanks For ya time... in reading all this! ;)


Edit: BTW... i hope 2 get 2 Play.. From this Weekend!! ;) (i aint Touched it yet! :( )
Give it to me! I always need more computers. Old, new, broken, working...i need them all! (long story, no time to tell it)
is that the English Pounds symbol? i don't know what that damned symbol is!

if so...

500.00 British pounds sterling or $721.50 US dollars
current iBook with those specs is $1,199.00 US dollars or 830.91 British pounds sterling

so yes, i would say that is a good deal!
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
is that the English Pounds symbol? i don't know what that damned symbol is!

if so...

500.00 British pounds sterling or $721.50 US dollars
current iBook with those specs is $1,199.00 US dollars or 830.91 British pounds sterling

so yes, i would say that is a good deal!

Thanks dude! ;)

thats Good! Phew! ;)

btw.. sorry if i seem like a "Manic" LOL

..but as far as Performance goes (on a memory increase...) ya think it'll run "nicely" Obv i aint aiming 2 do wild kinda things on it! after all i am a NewBie! LOL! ;)

Considering the performance: You will be surprised what the G3 is able to do! It's a damn good processor, and I am always impressed when I am working on G3s. I just got an old beige G3 which I am using for a server and it works great! I have a blue iBook, the 366 Mhz version, and it works great, allthough I am replacing it with the 14'' version as soon as it arrives. The G3 is such a great processor for it's price, even the mobile version (actually, the Wallstreet PB and the early iMac share the same motherboard ;)). Please tell us what you think once you used the iBook for a while.

Allthough this is a Mac OS X forum, I'd like to give you an advice: I don't exactly know what you do with your PC or with the iBook, but if you are "working" on it, and you have to work with apps like Flash or Photoshop, boot back to OS 9. Everything else will give you a wrong impression of the real power of OS X and of a Mac.
Thanks dude...
i shud be getting it either 2nite or 2morra... i have this horribe feelin i aint gonna love my OS-XP kinda machine no more!
What am i 2 Do?!

well.. i am looking 4ward nonetheless!

You should be well pleased. I got one of the first-batch iBook 500s, and haven't gotten around to upgrading the memory yet (it is hard to get a good deal in Australia, so I've put it off for a bit).

The G3-500 iBooks launched originally with 4 options: The CD-Rom version (which BlingBling quoted for), the CD-ReWriter version, the DVD-reader version, and the "combo drive" which offerred a CD-writer and DVD-reader in one. CD-Writing speed is only 4x, but its handy for the road and you can usually burn 3 or 4 discs before your battery dies!

If you're not sure which one you've got, switch off then lift out the keyboard by using the tabs near the F1 and F12 keys and you will find a label on the chassis underneath. You may need to undo the lock between the F5 and F6 keys by turning through 180 deg.

The memory on board is usually 128mb, but was only 64 on the CD-Rom Only bottom of the line iBook. There is one upgrade slot that takes So-Dimm up to 512 mb, so you could top it out to 640mb if you want. Detailed instructions on iBoook specific things, like changing memory and Airport cards, the location of the controls, etc. came in the help-system of the standard install OS-9 in the very first ones, but I'm sure your dealer will be happy to help you out there, as will the Mac-fanatics on this site.

Make sure you update your OS to the latest incarnation and run software update, then hunt down some software to your tastes. You will not be disappointed with the Mac. It will network with windows, if you want, and will do anything a PC can do and open any file a PC can open, so don't hold back.
guys, i really appreciate the comments u guys are giving me... i am sure wen i have a look @ it... i will be like...OMG... i want my Start Menu... :confused:
But i will Get there... and i sed, who knows... Maybe i'll be Selling my PC Soon Enuff..!
Either way, its something new to play with, @ the very least... and i will also have an opinion on the usual PC user's Quote... "OS X SUX" lol

Bling Bling... Dude.. i will prolly be like.. OMG... how do ya Screen Cap!? lol ... is it like a PC, good Ol' "Print Screen" and Paste?!
Well i am sure i will figure it out! ;)

Symphonix... Sweet! ;)
i am Learning all the while! ;)

Can i ask, how easy would it be... 2 Hook on ethernet connection 2 my PC!?
Can the iBook read NTFS File Structure!? Luckily, one is Fat32 as well :p

Holla Back.. .and Once again... Thanks! ;)

Okay, here we go!

Screen capture: use the "Grab" program in Applications/Utilities or I think the shortcut is Command-3. Either way it is in the help.

Networking to NT: You can access your PC from the Mac by connecting an ethernet cable between the two (normal or crossover, shouldn't matter as macs can switch automatically!) then set up file sharing on the PC.
Lets say your PC is called "mypc" in the workgroup "workgroup" under network control panel. Then, you pick the drive or folder/s you want to share and assign each a "share name" under the sharing tab. Eg: You decide just to share your "Stuff" folder as "PCSTUFF".
Then, on your mac, go to Go -> Connect to Server and enter:


(yes thats a semicolon)
And your PC shared folder will mount as a drive on the desktop.

As for more advanced networking, OS X features an FTP and HTTP server as well as every Unix server and firewall you could want. Just ask the guys for help.

And finally, forget Start Menu. All your apps go into the Applications folder, and if you use them regularly, just drag them onto the "Dock". You'll want to get into the habit of leaving apps open, but you'll get the hang of it in no time.
shift+apple+3: capture whole screen

shift+apple+4: capture a given area of the screen, you can draw the rectangle with your mouse afterwards
actually, command + shift + 3 for a screenshot of your computer. =D
annd, command + shift + 4 allows you to drag a marquee over the selection you'd like shot.. *no need to hold those three keys after you've pressed..*
annnddd, command + shift + 4 then caps lock allows you to take a picture of any window.. soo.. much better than PRT Scrn then Paste ;P

Anyways, it saves a PICT file called "Picture 1" (or 2, 3,.. depending on how many you take) on your HD. :) Just open it under Photoshop or even Picture viewer and save/export as a JPG file :)
OMG! As, as much as i like the look... this is gonna take some getting used to!
It's like when (God Forbid) i boot into Linux (Mandrake 8.1) on my PC... (i cannot remember the last time i did... maybe i might as well get rif of Linux!!!)
...i Don't say this B'cus its built on unix... but in the sense... i am a "Mr. Windows" ... and its Sooooooo


LOL! ... Now surely thats a Good thing...
Now i found Chess, and a few Buts and Bobs... and i am gonna play... More, later... when i Finally get this Damn Assignment Done!

I Deffo Wanna Network it up! ... i hope its not too Difficult!
I have 2 get back 2 my Work... However... Being a PC Guy.... i am SURELY gonna have LOADS of Dumb Ass Questions! ...I'd really appreciate the help though!

BTW... I F**kng Love the Dock, and magnification!!!

However... DAMN Is it Slow! ... it's G3 500MHz ...:( 64Mb RAM !

how Much is an Upgrade, roughly?! this 4 real Needs it!

Shame i couldn't share my 768MB Ram in my PC...! lol!

Awh well!
Thanks for ya help... i'll Mos def Be back Later!

Oh Yea!

i wanna do my Work, on my iBook... but i then need to get it to a PC...
it doens't have V.X ...(yet! :()
is there some app, like Wordpad, 4 PC... some basic Word Processor...


<<Runs 2 change Sig...! :)
the Office files are OS interchangable... as far as i've seen and heard, you can make Office v.X documents and open on Office XP and vice versa...