Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

Yeah i heard that too! i guess it makes perfect sense... but @ the mo, i haven't office... so i JUST Found TextWrite (is it?! )
Now i saved it... but what file format is it?!... Can the PC then Read that ?

Oh! ... and i noticed the Infamous genie effect... yes it's Deffo SWEET!

:) :) :)


<<Reaches For Memory... Argh... PLZ ... just one 512MB! ... PLZ PLZ PLZ!
yep, you'll be able to open documents you make in textedit in word on your pc ... textedit saves them as .rtf (rich text file), so you can open and read them in virtually any text editing app ... of course, you can also get office x, which is totally interchangeable with office on pc ... :)
doesn't the ibook come with apple works? that would be even better... more or less like office, so you won't have to adjust too much ...
but you'll certainly want more ram ... 64 mb is half the prescribed minimum for x, so it's no wonder it's slow... amazing it works at all, actually :D
have fun!
Oh! Brill!
i have 2 admit... i keep finding more and more lil' things... which are very Cool... even the little battery monitor, in the dock, which tells u how many mins left, 2 full batt.. and small stuff... (sorry, i am used 2 windows! LOL! )

:D ... no need to apologize, neyo, it's great to see your enthusiasm!
check out the 'services' menu ... i think you're going to like that ... :) there's loads of really cool stuff to explore on os x ... :)
Thanks Dude.. it's great, that i can come here, as a complete Newbie, and ask away! Thanks!

Is there a way i can setup the ibook, not 2 go into (in windows terms) hibernate when i close the Lid!? i am playing a CD... and i wanna Shut it... but then, obviously.. the system Hibernates and iTunes Pauses! :(
That'd Be Cool

... hmmm, i'm not sure about the ibook, haven't got one myself, but you can change the settings for sleep (that's what it's called on the mac ... close enough to hibernate :)) in system preferences (menu is energy saver) ... try doodling about with that, that might help, on the other hand, maybe the ibook always sleeps when you close the lid, i really don't know ... any ibook users around to clear this one up?
whatever, you could of course just turn on the screensaver while listening to itunes ... you can adjust which screensaver to use and when it turns on in system prefs as well ... btw you can download more screensavers off the net (for instance from , which is a cool adress for share- and freeware and updates) ... just pop them in yourname/library/screen savers and they'll be accessible through sys prefs just like the built in ones ... :)
or, of course, you can use the itunes visualizer instead, that'll conjure up wiggley lines that fit the beats ... :D
thanks Dude! ... after i got this college work done... imma connect it up! :)
i checked out those settings ... thanks! ;)

i like the idea, of Library... after all..
if it was Windows, it'd be in like Windows/System32 LOL!
makes it much more user friendly i think! ;)

Originally posted by sithious
yep, you'll be able to open documents you make in textedit in word on your pc ... textedit saves them as .rtf (rich text file), so you can open and read them in virtually any text editing app ... of course, you can also get office x, which is totally interchangeable with office on pc ... :)
doesn't the ibook come with apple works? that would be even better... more or less like office, so you won't have to adjust too much ...
but you'll certainly want more ram ... 64 mb is half the prescribed minimum for x, so it's no wonder it's slow... amazing it works at all, actually :D
have fun!

SWEET! i found Apple Works 6!! thats very Nice! ;) is it kinda Classic?! ... or something!?

Thanks! ;)

Hi NeYo. It sounds like you're getting to like your new Mac allready. It is VERY strange when you "cross over", but very rewarding.

As for the sleep question, that is a neat feature. I've actually disconnected the sensor so I can close the lid while playing a DVD through my TV set, but have decided to hook it back up as it is very easy to just close the lid when you're finished using it and open it when you want to keep going - there is nothing easier. Admittedly, I'd like it if there were a way to close the lid and keep iTunes or DVD going, but that would be too much stuffing around.

The built in TextEdit uses RTF, which is supported by all incarnations of Mac, Windows "WordPad" and Office, as well as just about every Unix desktop. The ones I use are a little more specific to my novel-writing, MacJournal is great for keeping small notes and ideas sorted, and PowerStructure is handy for brainstorming and organisng characters and plot-points. I still use AppleWorks for everything else, though.

You can get up to 512mb So-Dimm RAM to put in there. I just checked MemoryX and 256mb is $69 US. In the meantime, you should stick to Classic as OS-X will be slow as molasses with only 64mb.

It's poossible you're running the AppleWorks 6 classic version. There is an OS-X update available on the Apple site, you will not see any real difference other than in performance and the appearance of the interface.
Thanks! yeah, ihave 2 admit i do love it, although i keep hittin the trackpad thingy wen i type! ARGH!!! lol ... even if i do "Swicth Over" i still gonna write, like "NeYo" does...!! hehe! i just did my first screen cap, WAHOO....and then worked out 2 convert the TIFF to JPEG!
i agree, OS X is Hella slow! but i guess, as i have never used faster... i cope fine! whereas u guys'd get P*ssed off with it being this slow! lol!
I Love minimizing things!! LOL! even with 64MB, its GREAT! LMAO!
i tried sending my screen cap, via hotmail, but the damn attach part just dint wanna attach.. so lemmie see if i can add it here!
hmm... i got MSN too! but the Mac Version is crap in comparison to the PC Version! is there no file transfer for it?! i gotta try networking later... so then i know, i can work away, on here... and i know 4 a fact, i can get it onto my PC, to take 2 college!
is there external Floppy Drives for these?!! is the disk format diff, and unreadable to a PC!? it'd be handy, cus some work, would be small file size, and it'd be easy to take to college! rather than networking and all!
as for Apple Works, i found it! lol! i assume its classic! it took a while to load!! and certain aspects looked grey, and horrible! i'll look 4 the update!!! Thanks! Being online on here, seems weird! but i am getting used to it! it seems 2 take 2wice as long 2 type a msg though! lol!

anyways... i'm gonna scoot ... Off 2 tha RAM Shop (i wish!) lol
Thanks 4 ya help! i am sure there's heaps more "Newbie" ?'s 2 ask! hehe


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In the System Preferences under "Mouse" (or is it "Keyboard"?) there is an option "Disable trackpad while typing". Very handy.
Though, until you get the RAM and if you don't need anything OS-X or Unix specific, I suggest you give Classic a try for a little while.
Oh, and in case you haven't realised, you do not have to shut down as you would in Windows. You just put it to sleep.
oh! Cool! like in XP, with "hibernate" ? Cool! I'll try it! thanks!
as for classic... hmmm... dunno about the horrible grey and all!


Later! ;)

are there any OS X FTP apps, that actually come with it?! or if not, can u drop me a url or, two with some nice apps?! i assume good ol' "WS_FTP" isn't on mac? thanks ;)

NeYo - your ultimate source for mac software, use it wisely it is your friend!

personally, i recommend Interarchy (as robust as wsftp/bpftp for pc) with a nicer interface.

Transmit is okay for small files, and it resembles the PC gui (left hand view / right hand view) - that is made by

If neither of these appeal then try RBrowser (search it on versiontracker), its a cocoa ftp app so it takes full advantage of OSX but I still prefer Interarchy.


One more thing I probably shouldn't be telling you -, #macfilez is a nice place to chat...
NeYo, I noticed that you are using Mac OS X 10.0.4. Shouldn't you be running 10.1.x like me? The upgrade is only $20 from Apple just goto here for more info or free from your nearest Apple dealer (CompUSA is mine, but im gettin a Apple retailstore in Durham (which is like 20mi from where i live) on March 8).
~~NeYo~~: You might find this easier: Make a folder on your hard drive ( double click on your hard drive icon and go to File > New Folder... ) and call it Apps.

Now, get information for your applications folder ( single click on the folder and go to File > Show Info... ) and copy the icon ( Edit > Copy ) now single click on the Apps folder and get info for it. Now paste the icon ( Edit > Paste ).

You now have a folder that looks like your applications folder. Double click on your Apps folder to open it. Now open a new Finder window by going to File > New Finder Window. Click the applications icon in the toolbar.

Now, find an app you use alot that is not in the dock, single click on it and go to File > Make Alias. Now drag this newly created alias from the frontmost window to the window in the back ( the Apps folder window ). Repeat this process untill all your most recently used apps are in this folder. ( If you upgrade to 10.1 you can even add subfolders to create different catagories ( see my screenshot )

Once you are done, double click on your hard drive icon again, locate your Apps folder and drag it into the dock next to the trash can.

Now you have a folder next to your trash can. Control plus clicking on this icon causes a list to appear of all the contents of your folder ( in this case your apps ) if you select an app off the list it will open it right up ( see my screenshot attached ) This has saved me a ton of time since I have many apps and not enough dock space. Let me know if it works!

Have a great day!



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JakPuma - Thanks Dude.. i have never seen a store that sells a Mac, here.. @ all let alone a Mac Dealer! Argh! ... I'll have 2 see if i can get it though! ... although RAM is HIGH Priority!!
Thanks Dude.. I'll Check it! ;)

Thanks martinatkinson!!! i am Learning all the time... it's great u guys dont mind sharing time with a PC User @ Heart! LOL!

Certain things still bug me though!
Wen i wish 2 do something, to a folder, or whatever... i go2 "right click" and ... ie... Renaming a folder!

and that reminds me... How the hell do u rename something..?
the only way i found... was double click it... and it sometimes highlights the text, allowing u 2 type over...! but that usually means, i have loaded the app too! :( ... and all i wanna do is rename! LOL! ... Argh...

Thanks 4 ya Tip Though... i got my iBook sat here, next 2 this "LOVELY" XP machine.. and i am pratting around!
there was a few things i was gonna ask... Damn i forgot! ;)

Ooh... one thing.. i noticed, when u close an app... via the "red" button.. it doesn't close the App, merely the window, and leaves the app running... It kinda confused me 2 start with... cus u have 2 go "up top" and click Close on the Bold Menu thingy (sorry my Mac Lingo is minimal!!!)

Argh... in many Screenshots... i've seen Menu's popping outta tha Dock... and yet... How the Hell does it do it?! ... mine doesn't! :(
i dunno why... ie.. now i just created that Folder, dropped 2 apps in it, (just 2 test it) ... and now its sat in the Dock, Next Door 2 the Bin... and if u click it... it opens a finder window (wow, i learnt some lingo!!!) with the contents of the folder! :(

Can some1 help with this... those popup Menu's are Cool! :(

BTW ... in "ATM" its OS X 10.0.3 (Build 4P13)

Holla Back! Many Thanks!
Renaming: Select the file and press Enter (Not return).

Pop-up: I know I kept going to right-click for a month ofter I switched to Mac - its a hard habit to break. You can get the same effect as using a 2-button mouse by holding the control key when you click in order to right-click. The iBook does take most USB mice and supports scroll-wheels and extra buttons, but unless you're left handed I wouldn't recommend the Apple Pro Mouse, as the cable is too short to reach the USB ports on the left side.

Quitting Apps: Since you are short on RAM, you will want to quit unused apps by using the Apple-Q shortcut, or Quit in the App menu. OS X is designed, though, to make it easier to leave apps open, so they start quicker when they're needed. The Unix memory management swaps unused apps into the background. I suggest you leave open the apps you use all the time.

Keyboard Shortcuts: When you are browsing in the Finder, you can Open a selected file by using Apple-DownArrow. You can jump into the parent directory with Apple-UpArrow.
On the dock, you can use Apple-Tab to switch quickly between open programs, and if you keep holding the Apple key you can use Q to quit the highlighted app and H to hide it.

Sleep: When you're not using your iBook, close the lid. When you want to use it, open the lid. There is no need to press anything or choose anything.
Cool! Thanks Dude.... i am trying 2 get my PC (XP) Machine 2 LAN with the iBook.... :confused:


thanks For the Little Hints and Tips! Much Appreciated!

As for a Mouse... i have a Brilliant M$ Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer, which i love! ... i shud do, for the Price!!!
u reckon i can plug that in?! (USB) ?

Cool! ;)
