Sony CDRW Problem


Mac User
I have a Beige G3 Desktop and I bought a Sony CRX230 CDRW.
Toast 5.2.3 burns fine but it does not let me do "Simulation Mode" burns. Besides, when I quit the program the computer freezes.
Toast 5.1.1 did let me do Simulations but when quitting the same problem appeared.
Any clues?

thanks everybody
It is important to know what OS you are using. If it is OS X, you should be using version 6. If it is OS 9, you should allocate more memory to Toast from the Get Info window.
I never had to change my memory for toast, always burned fine dispite that... although, i can only use 5.1.3 in Classic without any weird problems from both older and newer versions. In X I use 6.0.3
Go to the Apple Menu>Control Panels>Extension Manager. Disable (by clicking on the box to uncheck) Authoring Support, Disc Burner Extension, Firewire Authoring support, USB Authoring Support. Save the configurement... then restart the computer.

Now Toast should work with no problem.