Originally posted by ksuther
You see though, one pot is poisoned and kills ya, the other one just knocks you out for a few hours. 
I dunno why I don't like the XBox, it's just the name, the look, the company, ugh. I mean, stick to operating systems Microsoft! No need for M$ PDA's and consoles...
well, I respect the "No M$ anywhere" position. But what if you really want to play games from Bungie? It's either the XBOX or the PC, and either way, if you don't like M$, you're SOL.
Besides that, Sony is at least as scary as M$. Think about it: in music, and to a lesser degree film and TV, Sony has its hands in every step of the production process from the Sony camera or multitrack tape deck to the Sony mixing console to the Sony mastering equipment (all on Sony tape of course) and then distributed by the Sony music and film companies and their vast leviathan of subsidiaries. Perhaps the best one can say of M$ is that they lacked Sony's subtlety and got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
I haven't used a M$ OS in years. Used by choice, that is, I can and do fix WinTooKie and NT problems on the job when crappy M$ products are preventing my UNIX systems from working. But my main objection to M$ is just that: most of their products suck. When and if I find an M$ product that doesn't suck (OfficeX and XBOX jump readily to mind) I'm not going to boycott it b/c it's from M$. Once you start down that road, where do you draw the line. Are M$ greedy bastards? You bet. Are Sony greedy Bastards? Sure are. Is Bill Gates a ruthless mama-jama? Sho'nuff. What about Steve Jobs? C'mon, he wrote the book on ruthless.
Whew... kinda went off there. Really my point is that I like the XBOX and if you don't play Halo b/c you hate M$ you're doing yourself a disservice. Also, every Sony product I've ever come across, besides the pro stuff, self-destructed three minutes after the warranty ran out. I have no love for Sony or M$, but either way they're inevitably going to get some of my money... it's just the nature of our capitalist system.
Raise the black flag of anarchy!
or maybe not.
Sheesh. Too much coffee today.
(stepping slowly away from the keyboard...)