speaking of FTP clients on Mac OS X...

Originally posted by chenly
...yafc isn't really a graphical ftp client.

No, it isn't. That's one of things I like about it. :)

I've been using FTP for 17 years and a few aliases can make things VERY fast. GUIs are overrated.
Originally posted by solrac
and what about something like

get file.mp3 ~/Desktop

you have to write

get file.mp3 ~/Desktop/file.mp3
Why not:

ftp> lcd ~/Desktop
ftp> get file.mp3

btw, there's a wonderful program out there that I'm still fighting to get ported to OS X, called Midnight Commander.. not many people know about this program, otherwise more people would be screaming for a port. If you've ever used Norton Commander on the PC, it's very similar, but does a WHOLE lot more. It allows you to view ftp servers and file archives (tar, tgz, etc) as just another directory.. major kicks butt. It's like the swiss army knife of command line utilities - it does everything, and what it can't, you can script into it's menu system.

The only FTP client I found on the Mac that didn't blow chunks, was Anarchy (which I reg'd).. then it turned into total bloatware around the time it became Interarchy.

Now I just use wget and ncftp instead.. so much for progress.. and yes, I've tried Fetch, Transit, etc.
FTP for OSX has been one of my bones of contention until I got osXigen, one of the few shareware programs I actually bought ($18).

It's on Versiontracker, do a search.
I tried osXigen but didn't like it, so didn't mention it.

I use ncftp all the time -- no shareware fees! :)
I see no one has mentioned RBrowser Lite. It's located on versiontracker and is FREE. There is also a PAY version which I do not have and have never used. I've used RBrowser Lite once for a real FTP transfer, it works. It also serves as a file browser in Mac OS X that I find quite useful. It shows ALL the files located in a directory, even invisible ones.