Speculation XBox2 may use G5-based chipset?

Nah, Apples are reknowned for their lack of support for games, traditionally - an image that isn't too good for a console manufacturer :).

And yeah, yeah, I know, they've actually got a whole BUNCH of games these days, it's too much of a risk in an already competetive field (consoles)
Stridder44 said:
I second that, but others speculate that they might use the Cell processor which will be used in the Playstation3. But if IBM allowed Microsoft that right, Sony would be livid. I personally doubt they'd use either Cell or a G5.

BTW, I wonder what it'd be like if Apple got into this market....that would be awsome...maybe..

From how I got it understood the Cell is not even going to be in the PS3. The chip turns out isn't to even be done till a few years the PS3 is to release. It was just a bunch of hyped up crap they were feeding the media and their gamers to get re-excited about their next console. That is what I read though. As for Apple in the console market. Ah sure, have them team up with Nintendo. Those are two minds that think a like.
Apple has yet to impress me with the exception 3D graphics. If you look at raw speed, windows boxes kill all the time. Why? It is becasue games drive the 3D market. And what games are in the mac? Games that are a year old or more...
In case you hadn't realised, Macs are still used largely by CREATIVE PROFESSIONALS. Consoles are designed for games. Macs are designed for ease of use, and high quality, intuitive working.
Wintel PCs aren't designed to do anything, it's purely by chance that they even boot.
If you want to play games, why would you use a keyboard and mouse, on a (comparitively) small screen, 8-12 inches from your face, when you have a (comparitively) large screen with a comfortable couch, and a system DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY FOR GAMES out in your lounge room.
As much as it pains me to say it, at the moment the XBOX is the best console available, in my opinion. Yes it has crazy DRM regarding burnt cds etc, and yes it's the spawn of satan. But it still has better features/ease of use/price than the others.
/me loves his Playstation 2. Sure the graphics aren't quite on par with the Xbox...but I still love it. Also...a response to Pengu. Why would I want to play games on my pc/monitor. A.) Better quality picture. I can turn on Anti-Aliasing and Anistropic filtering and it will completely look better than the same game for ANY console out there. B.) I have a gamepad for games that play better with it, but have you ever tried playing a FPS with a controller? How could anyone say Halo for the Xbox was enjoyable to play? Blah...give me an optical mouse and keyboard anyday. C.) Online multiplayer games are great...something consoles have yet to accomplish in great mass. Where else but my pc can I play Counter-Strike or an RPG in a world full of thousands of other people? Once consoles all have Broadband connectivity and a large community of online users....then I'll switch over, but until them....Single Player games=console / Multiplayer games=Pc(the only reason i really use it, heh) Also..TV-Out..yeah...with my pc in the living room i can sit back with a wireless mouse and wireless optical mouse on my comfortable couch with a piece of greasy pizza and a beer and play the games on the big screen...with AA and Aniso Filtering ;) w00t
I take a simple GCN for my hardcore gaming. it's that one system that has the games. I tried Keyboard and mouse gaming before I don't understand how they do it. My wrist was in pain after 10 minutes of moving around. I much rather sit down in a nice couch, pop in Vietiful Joe, turn on the surround sound, turn on the high rez (when I get the TV XD) with a wireless wavebird in hand and just have some fun. I had to make a choice of if I get a Mac I'll sacrifice they PC gaming and the Cube was cheap very high quality so I went with that combo.
If you have poor quality on your tv, maybe you should spend comparitive amounts on your tv. Of course a CRT TV is never going to look as good as an LCD monitor. Get an LCD/Plasma tv.
What is wrong with Halo/XBOX controls? I have seen people who have never even used an XBOX before sit down, and after being told ONCE what the basic controls are, play Halo, and ENJOY IT. A controller such as the XBOX's has thumbsticks and triggers, which are all analogue, ie: they can have fractional "values", not just on or off. Try doing that with a keyboard. and a mouse only has so many buttons/movements. Remember. Keyboards: designed for.. TYPING. Mice: designed for... interacting with a GUI. Console Controllers: designed for... PLAYING GAMES.

As for network play. Not everyone has/can get/can afford/wants to use broadband for gaming. besides. where is the fun in sitting in a dark room all alone playing against someone 3000 miles away?
I suggest you try playing HALO or a comparitive mulitplayer game with 16 people all together in ONE PLACE screaming and laughing and HAVING FUN.

Also, there are several options for playing multiplayer games on consoles, ONLINE. xbox has either XBOX Live, or you can use your broadband connection and a small application (it basically tunnels the xbox network data through the net and makes it look like a lan) to play with others online. I beleive Sony has released a network adapter kit for the PS2. As for any nintendo products. Nintendo has always seemed like a toy designed those aged 13 and under.

I'm not saying that you are WRONG for preferring to use a pc with a mouse and keyboard. im just saying for MOST people, a console is far cheaper, easier and more effective.
On a side note. Symphonix (sp?) said that Windows Server 2003 will basically run on a PPC 970/G5.
Two of us asked for more info/proof, but it never appeared.
Halo. Heh, yea, I admit, with a bunch of people (in the same room as you) it is fun, but gets old (just as anything does). What would the Xbox be know for if it didn't have Halo?
A good point strider, but suprisingly, the network is almost apple-like, in that it needs no config. plug and play, quite literally.
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you on this.
I had a quick look at this, and Windows 2003 Server, and a beta version of Windows Xp 64-bit, are both available on the Intel Itanium 64-bit processor. I had thought these supported the PowerPC based Opteron processor as well, but it seems I was wrong on this point.
Either way, I'd say if Microsoft chose to release a XBox2 with any given chipset, they would have no troubles porting their code to almost any chipset currently in contention.
Giaguara said:
... If that comes out, I want one of those Xboxes.

I'll just buy it with no games, format it, install some version of Linux and voilà I'll have resolved all the server problems. I hope they will keep the pricing like now: If you buy an Xbox but no games, you are making loss for M$.

Yeah but if you don't buy an XBox at all... then you make even MORE loss for M$!!! HAHAH
I didnt know the Opteron is a PPC. I knew other (duron, athalon, etc) AMD chips weren't "real" x86, and that they actually emulated the IA-32 (aka x86) instruction set in hardware, on the chip itself, but i didnt know it was ppc based. interesting.
I don't know about the whole tunneling thing with the Xbox. Sure, you can get 16 people playing at the same time. That still doesn't beat playing with 32 or 64 people in an intensive match of, say, Battlefield: 1942.

And aiming in a first-person shooter, such as Halo, on the Xbox completely sucks. It uses joysticks for movement and looking; joysticks are far better suited for aviation-based scenarios. I prefer the accuracy and ease of correction of a device meant for pointing at things precisely, a mouse.

Trackballs were also made for interfacing with a GUI. But trackballs also suck for FPS's.

Again, to each his own.
Arden. UT2003 for XBOX supports up to 64 players. that would be 16 xboxes if all in one place. I don't want to know how crazy it would get. but as you said, to each his own.
Pengu said:
The game cube uses a IBM "G3" and the next Sony Console is supposed to be using a PPC architecture of some sort. As for the XBOX. It doesn't uses Windows, it is said to use a stripped down version of the Windows 2000 Kernel, which of course is in ROM/NVRAM not actually on the HDD. Who knows. with some solder and the right ROM chip, you could see OSX on an XBOX :P

The PS3's cell processor is being designed by IBM & Sony, which will probably use advancements from the PPC, yes... but it won't be a PPC chip. They are changing far too much for it to be based on a PPC product. Similar? Yes. PPC-based? No.