Speed of a G4 Ti 400 Powerbook with 10.2?


Hi Guys,
I pick up my copy of 10.2 tomorrow morning and can't wait. Just wondering how anyone has gone so far with any of the later builds on a G4 Ti 400 powerbook. 10.1.5 has been a little clunky sometimes and not as fast as I want but super stable so I can live wiht the slowness. From what I am reading it seems Jaguar is a great leap in terms of speed but most of that speed seems to be on newer systems?

Thanks for any feedback..

I don't have your machine, but I have been told that there are big improvements in speed with G3 imacs - I think it will be a noticable improvement!

Oh My God - Fedex just came - it's here!!!
I installed 10.2 on my PB Ti 400 and I reckon its faster.

Not by that much, but the finder is certainly better.

I also added 512MB of RAM at the same time, so that helped with app switching.

Boot times were much quicker, but its still doing stuff after you log in I reckon.

So its more of an illusion of faster boot times I think.

I've been running Jaguar on a PB G4/400. Get it. Everything feel snappier. Have not had a chance to see how it performs with Final Cut or Photoshop, but everything else is much smoother.

I am using a TiBook 667mhz with 16mb ATI Card and 512 Mb RAM.

I have just installed 10.2, and I find that it really is much faster and smoother.