wandering shadow
Edit the file /Users/<b>your_username</b>/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist.
Scroll down till you find the line that says <xmp><key>com.apple.mouse.scaling</key></xmp>
Right under it is a number (probably set at 1.7) with a bunch of zeros after it. Change that number to up your speed! Be careful, I set mine to 5.2 and it's pretty zippy, so don't go crazy with the number.
To get it to start going fast (after you save that file, of course), either log out/in or open the mouse preferences in System Preferences. Don't touch any of the settings there! Just open it then quit System Prefs. You'll see your mouse jump up in speed. If you touch any of the prefs in mouse preferences, you'll have to re-edit the file.
This <i>should</i> be do-able using <font color="#0000ff">defaults</font>, but it seems it doesn't want to write the new number out so you'll have to edit the file by hand. Ah well, at least it works that way!
Heh, I found this out quite by accident too - I had changed that to 5.2 a loooong time ago when I tried to get the mouse faster in 10.0.1 and never set it back. Guess I never changed the options in the mouse prefs, either. I was thinking YES! The mouse is much quicker - until I opened up the mouse prefs and changed something. Then bam, back to the old slow mouse. But I remembered 'xactly what to change when I saw <i>that</i> one happen.
Scroll down till you find the line that says <xmp><key>com.apple.mouse.scaling</key></xmp>
Right under it is a number (probably set at 1.7) with a bunch of zeros after it. Change that number to up your speed! Be careful, I set mine to 5.2 and it's pretty zippy, so don't go crazy with the number.
To get it to start going fast (after you save that file, of course), either log out/in or open the mouse preferences in System Preferences. Don't touch any of the settings there! Just open it then quit System Prefs. You'll see your mouse jump up in speed. If you touch any of the prefs in mouse preferences, you'll have to re-edit the file.
This <i>should</i> be do-able using <font color="#0000ff">defaults</font>, but it seems it doesn't want to write the new number out so you'll have to edit the file by hand. Ah well, at least it works that way!
Heh, I found this out quite by accident too - I had changed that to 5.2 a loooong time ago when I tried to get the mouse faster in 10.0.1 and never set it back. Guess I never changed the options in the mouse prefs, either. I was thinking YES! The mouse is much quicker - until I opened up the mouse prefs and changed something. Then bam, back to the old slow mouse. But I remembered 'xactly what to change when I saw <i>that</i> one happen.