Spinning Disc Problem


Since I updated my G4 MP 550,1gb Ram, and two Imac's DV to OS X10.1 I have with all machine problems to open certain programs. on my Imac DV it's Drag Thing, on the other imac it's System preferences and on my G4 it's StuffIt deluxe. OS x start to open the program but then the spinning wheel appears and the opening process is not finished. If I open force quite the applications appear but I'm unable to quite the applications with force quite.
The only thing I can do is restart the machine. I experienced this problem on 3 machines with different programs and don't know what to do to resolve the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

That's very bizarre and definitely something I personally have not experienced. I'm running 10.1 on my Sawtooth G4.

Could there be some kind of common program that you've got installed on all three of thos computers that could be causing the problem? Is there some kind of special configuration that you might have done on all the machines??

Have you tried killing the applications in the Terminal? I'm not sure how Force Quit tries to kill an application, but doing a "kill -9 <process id>" would probably take care of it. Of course, it might not be the application hanging, but rather something else like the Finder or maybe something more low-level. I don't know for sure.

I wish you good luck on this one!
is it when you first login that you this happens
well like i used to have this problem on my computer when opening things like right away with out letting the computer completly load the user and it does the same thing and i try forceing quit the program and all it does is makes it sit there in the dock and you try to open more it does the same for them
all i did to fix this is to let it sit for alittle before opening thing when ifirst login
hope i could help
if not tell me
Hi, your tip was good this seems to be the problem, however certainly something apple has to fix. I'm back to OS 9.2.1 and will check back to os x from time to time.