Splitting Video Files for VCD's


Could someone please tell me how I split video files up so I can make VCD's. The .avi file I have is too big to fit onto one CD so all I want to do is split it in half but I haven't a clue how to do it!
yep it just says that the cd isnt big enough to fit on the file i've got, that's why i was thinking i should try and find something to split the file
I do this a lot with MPEGs recorded from my EyeTV, but the program I use (mpgtx) won't work for AVIs. I found one on www.macupdate.com that is for AVI files. It is called "Explicit 1.0" - just click the link for MacUpdate above and do a search for it. I've never used it before but the description says "Explicit is a simple Cocoa program for splitting AVI (DivX, XviD etc.) video files." Also, check out their selection of video programs...many of which are for editing different formats - the link is http://macupdate.com/multimedia.php?sub=5 . I hope that solves your problem.
you cant make a vcd with an avi file, you need to convert it

its very time consuming and in the end not worth it more often than not... try ffmpegx
toast does it automatically (converting the avi), but I wonder how long the video is. The size shouldn't matter since it will be converted anyway..