I can never reindex spotlgiht because it starts but then stops for some reason. A little while ago i ran out of space because of a faulty hd and a backup program. Any Suggestions?
bobw said:In Terminal;
delete and rebuild command for the boot volume
sudo mdutil -E /
My Hard Drive will not mount on there. It has the spinning beachball of death then nothing. Even dragging doesnt work.bobw said:Spotlight: How to re-index files and folders
Want to re-index a file or folderor even an entire volumefor Spotlight (part of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger)? Just do this:
From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
Click Spotlight.
Click the Privacy tab.
Drag a file, a folder, or even an entire volume (your hard drive) to the list.
Remove the item or volume you just added.
Spotlight will re-index the contents of the item you initially dragged to the list.