Spring loaded folders... in Windows XP?!!


look what I've found on the Microsoft XP site:

You can use Windows Explorer in Windows XP to move or copy a file by dragging the file icon to a folder. When you have Folders displayed on the left side of the window, it's easy to drag a file to a different folder.

If the folder you want isn't visible because the folder it's in is not expanded, here's a trick that will save you time and frustration. Drag the file icon to the collapsed (unexpanded) folder, and hold it there for a few seconds. The folder automatically expands and then you can drop the file into the folder you want.

maybe when I look a bit further in the XP pages I can find a trick to give folders a color of choise :mad:

xp is getting al the cool stuff that made the classic mac os unique and is not anymore in os x :mad:
:confused: I personally will not switch over to OS X until all the 'little' features that made the Mac so much better than the PC. Where are these features and when can we have them back Steve? I feel that OS 9.X is better than X because of the features that I use EVERYDAY!

Where are the:
Pop-up Windows
Window Shading (9.X shading)
Spring Loaded Folders

Come on Steve, I'm counting on you. Don't let Bill win!!!!
