ssh not connecting to a non-root user


I have an iMac running Mac OS X 10.5.6, running on my local network with a fixed IP

On this machine I have two users: "john" who has the root privileges and "mary" who is a regular user.

When John executes:

ssh mary@localhost

he gets asked three times "Password" in spite of typing the correct password. Then the question changes to:

mary@localhost's password:

and the answer (after John types the password) is:

Permission denied, please try again.

again three times, and the connection breaks with:

Received disconnect from ::1: 2: Too many authentication failures for mary

The same happens when I try from another machine on my local network (using the IP instead of localhost).

Obviously it has something to do with the privileges that John has and Mary does not because Mary has no problems in using:

ssh john@localhost

I would appreciate any hint on how to solve the problem. It never appeared on Linux which I used before.

-- tsf