ssh rejects password, but I can log into Aqua


I checked "Allow remote login" in the "Sharing" preference panel. While I can log in locally (into the Aqua system) I can't login remotely. Doing an "ssh -l user localhost" at the command line in Terminal and typing in my user password results in an "Permission denied, please try again."

I recently reinstalled my system. Once I had it up and running, I copied the various user folders (that is, "Users") back from where I had made a backup on another local drive. I doubt that that caused the problem, because I can create a new user and I still won't be able to log in using that user's ID.

Dominik Hoffmann
I noticed this behavior too.

Actually, for me it seems to happen any time I log out of Aqua / switch users.

Just unchecking and rechecking "Allow remote login" restarts the SSH daemon and gets it to work again. You may want to try that next time before rebooting.

I simply refuse to reboot my X box. :)
