Star Wars Aoc

What did you think of Attack of The Clones?


  • good

  • not so great

  • SUCKED and that the only good thing was that the were made on macs :)

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Originally posted by simX
I don't remember seeing this in the movie..... is this from the book?
No, this is from the movie. Han Solo says "Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where?" then spins around with the gaffi stick or whatever. I know, gaffi sticks are for Tusken Raiders, but it looked a lot like one.

Anyway, the whole blasting his way out of the Sarlacc isn't in the movie, so I assume it's in the book...
Originally posted by xaqintosh
actually, Boba fett doesn't really die. He's in the Sarlacc pit, but he blasts his way out with one of his many weapons, and some other bounty hunter (the guy with the brain surgery and the big cloth on his head to cover the scar or something)Then they become friends and Boba Fett gets another ship and a new suit of armor :cool:

In the original plot...he's dead. What the books say is something different...
Originally posted by wdw_
Jar-Jar gave a very successful speech in front of the senate. He knew what he was talking about. He wasn't just reading a script.

Actually, Jar-Jar is responsible for the success of the later Empire. Without his stupidity, Palpatine would not be able to command the clone army legaly...if Padme would have been on Coruscant, this speech would have never been delivered. Palpatine knew how easily he could persuade Jar-Jar to work as one of his tools.
Jar Jar wasn't smart at all, maybe he thought he was, but he wasn't. The entire empire is his fault.

Also, Boba Fett coming back to life is in the books, and at the website (
Originally posted by xaqintosh
I'm not judging him on his accent, although I hate it. I just think he looks, acts, talks, sounds, and is goofy and pathetic. Also, how is he smart?
Granted his voice is a bit on the annoying side, but Padme entrusted him with her position near the beginning of the movie. She must have had good reason to.
Originally posted by ricky

Granted his voice is a bit on the annoying side, but Padme entrusted him with her position near the beginning of the movie. She must have had good reason to.
Yeah, it was in the script. ;)
actually, he was only there because the Gungans have a different system of honor, based on heroicism vs. experience and wisdom. Since Jar Jar was a "hero" of the last war, he became the Gungan Representative, and thus the only person for Padme to choose
I still haven't been able to see it since I've been away since Thursday. I'm going to see it soon.

Its nice to know that everything can be blamed on Jar Jar though :).
I liked it all up, though there were a few scenes in it that were just far-fetched.

The entire droid-production-line scene made no #@$@ sense. Why would a doorway lead onto a retracting walkway thingy that dumps our heroes onto a conveyor belt? Sure, its action and adventure, but it has to be realistic.

Other than that, I loved it.
Ok, lets all put our heads together and find out why
The entire droid-production-line scene made no #@$@ sense. Why would a doorway lead onto a retracting walkway thingy that dumps our heroes onto a conveyor belt? Sure, its action and adventure, but it has to be realistic.

I am sure that Lucas had a reason, he had to!
OK this thread is far too much of a lovefest. This movie had serious flaws:

1. The acting from most of the main characters was dry as if they were reading the lines for the first time. The CG characters (Yoda especially) at least have some expression on their faces when they speak.

2. The dialog is unforgivable.

3. The romance scenes were painful (and not in the way they were meant to be.)

4.Many of the characters were still really cartoony (especially the CG informant who scratches his ass and has a mustache and a dirty T-shirt. Many of the robots as well.) I find this really annoying.

5. Too many english speaking aliens. Where were all these english speakers in the original series?

6. The attempt at humor was really sorry. C3PO's jokes were especially terrible.

7. Everyone (and I mean everyone) in the theater was laughing when Padme just got up and dusted herself off after falling off the ship. Really lame.

All those things aside, the movie was decent. The effects were incredible. The story was pretty good. Some of the characters were pretty damn cool (Dooku, Jango Fett and the leader of the flying guys), and the end was pretty great. I just get angry when something has the potential to be really good, but has aspects that are not only annoying but sometimes infuriating.

George Lucas needs to get off his high horse and start listening to people. He constantly defends the awful aspects of epsisode 1 by saying things like "It's for kids. Kid's love Jar-jar." I'm not buying it. I was 2 when I saw SW for the first time, and I didn't need all these cartoony characters or bad puns.
I agree.

However, for me, the last 40 minutes or so made me forget about all the crap that came before - until you brought it up...

Lucas really does need to loosen up a bit and let someone - ANYONE - else write, at least, the dialogue.

Did you just disagree with yourself?

Oh wait! I see.

You're right. #s 6 and 7 did taint the last part. AND, I really hated the whole C3PO head/body mismatch. Now come on, wouldn't he need an ADC/DVI adapter at least to put his head on a battle droid and vice versa:D
Originally posted by dlookus
He constantly defends the awful aspects of epsisode 1 by saying things like "It's for kids. Kid's love Jar-jar." I'm not buying it. I was 2 when I saw SW for the first time, and I didn't need all these cartoony characters or bad puns.

seriously, I'm 13 (not really a little kid, but I was 11 for episode I) and Jar Jar is just too stupid to be in Star Wars.
There was a lot in the movie that just left you wondering why?!

C3PO's head-mismatch scene was just ridiculous. Whatever adapter they used snapped anyway when the plot required it, letting artoo wander into the middle of a firefight to rescue 3PO's head. WHY?

Would anyone have been disappointed if R2 and 3PO just stayed out of the scene completely?

I liked the diner, though. It reminded me, when it appeared in the establishing shot, of American Graffitti. A forgivable bit of self-indulgence, I suppose.