Start up issues with PM DP G5


PowerMac G5
2.5gb ram
160gb hdd (1)
128mb 9600


I was in safari and tried to open a page and safari would just close, Then I noticed the finder reloading repedidly. I couldnt shutdown so I turned it off manually. On re-boot it was stuck on the "starting Mac OS X" Screen, not frozen just the progress bar was at the end and it just sat there. I have done many hardware tests with the Install disc, and got some memory errors. I also repaired disk permissions and repaired disk with the disk utility, "Repair Disk" came back with a error: "The Underlaying Task reported failure on Exit". After re-booting many times after those I only made it to the Grey screen with the Apple logo and gear, over time at that screen the fans would start moving faster and faster so I would just turn it off. I only have one HDD with less than 9gb free. And some pictures that were yet to be backed-up. I would archive and install but worried that my pictures (3000+) would be gone. Also I only have 7 days left in my 1 year warranty, I contacted our closest authorized apple service provider and they said to bring in the tower for diagnositcs, and then parts would be under warranty. I think its just a OS problem and a archive and install would fix it. What do you think I should do from here?

Take it to the dealer before the warrenty expires. You don't know what is wrong with, and if anything is, the warrenty will cover it.