Start-up problem with Imac G3


I have recently encountered a problem with an older Imac of mine. When I push the white power button on the front of the computer it starts to blink and I get a beeping sound. I finally have to push the reset button on the right side of of the computer in order to get it to boot up. What is my problem?
There is a battery in all computers, Macs call it a PRAM Battery. It powers a small amount of RAM that remembers settings. It fails after three to five years, depending on how often the Mac is used (school macs fail sooner due to 3months of idle time). Replacing the battery for $10 should solve the problem. (your right side, left side description, indicates an all in one iMac, now more than five years old).
A google search for iMac PRAM Battery, should bring up the instructions.
Your problem is not likely fixed by replacing the battery, unfortunately. If you get multiple beeps at startup (1, 2 or 3), then your have a memory problem. Try simply reseating the memory. If that doesn't help, then one or both of your memory chips may need to be replaced. If you get 4 or 5 beeps, then the logic board is likely failing.