Startup Tone


Hey all.

On one of our computers at home we have three hard drives. One has OS X and Classic. One has purely OS 9. And one is used for storage only. The problem is, if we start up the box in Classic or pure OS 9, we get the usual startup tone. On the other hand, if we start it up in X, we don't get the tone. The computer is an earlier G4, 400 mhz, dual processer, running OS 10.2.6, and the OS 9 stuff. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Could it be that your volume settings in OS X are set to "mute" (zero)?
The volume settings in the OS determine also the startup tone. So if you set the volume to 0 you don't hear any startup tone and if you turn it all the way up you will hear it very loud.
If you raise the volume in OS X and reboot you should hear it.
Try removing your memory chips one at a time and see if that brings your startup chime back. I had the same trouble and posted the query on another forum, and I got this suggestion, except that the guess was that I had a faulty chip. However, when I put the chip back in , the startup chime stayed, only now it's a lot quieter. I think I may still have either a bad chip or one that's not seated properly, as I have a few other quirks cropping up that I am going to ask about in a new thread.
Hope this makes sense.
Same thing happens on my G4 / 450 (Sawtooth one). I probably got mine around the same time you got yours.

Every once in a while, I'll hear the startup chime. It is real low when it plays. Mostly, I'll never hear it if I'm just rebooting, and will hear it once in a blue moon when starting up from a shut down.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with memory, as I've replaced all the original memory that I had and this is still happening. It's probably something to do with the hardware.