StartupItems: slow startup/shutdown



I'm trying to start Synergy client at startup. I added a directory in /Library/StartUpItems called "Synergy"

the script is this


/Users/Shared/synergy/synergyc -f

the plist file is this
Description = "Synergy Client";
Provides = ("Synergy");

When it startups it takes like 5-10 minutes to startup. It also takes that
long to shutdown. When it does startup the client does run correctly.

Are my parameters not correct? I couldn't find anything in the logs. Any ideas?
I don't know how it would affect startup, but startup items should respond to requests to StopService, StartService and, ideally, RestartService. You may want to start with a line sourcing rc, too. Also, it sounds as though your startup item requires at least network. If so, that should be included in the plist file. The best way to check your script and plist is to read Apple's as examples. Find these in /System/Library/StartUpItems. It's also unusual to use bash for the script as opposed to sh, though I don't especially see why that would affect the timing. Which logs did you read?

On Tiger, you might consider launchd but this doesn't seem to work well for everything, so I don't know if it would work for this as I'm not familiar with synergy.

- cfr