

What do the fields in the StartupParameters.plist "Requires" and "Provides" ... mean. what do they require?

Description = " Client";
Provides = ("dnetc");
Requires = ("NetInfo");
OrderPreference = "None";
Messages =
start = "Launching dnetc";
stop = "Closing dnetc";


Services begun at startup time are scheduled according to what services they need and provide - so for example, network time requires the network to be up, so it says so in its requires field.

This is basically to avoid the Classic Mac OS style kludge whereby extensions were just started in alphabetical order, so that those needing to start late had to start with a special character that came after all the letters of the alphabet, and so on.

Not many services are likely to require dnetc to already be running ;) so the Provides field shouldn't be too critical. I don't really know what use dnetc makes of Netinfo, but it's probably safest to leave it like it is
Where can I learn more about Startup items? Do you have any links?

I was also wondering why I can't delete files and folders from my Library folder when I'm logged as root. I had to go into the command line, log in as superuser and then delete my Startup items to start fresh.
The SystemOverview documentation covers the Startup stuff pretty well (it's on your machine at /Developer/Documentation/Essentials/SystemOverview/SystemOverview.pdf if you installed DevTools, otherwise, you can see it at Apple's website both HTML and PDF).

Lots of other stuff in this document as well, to the point where it probably is more than just for developers...