Steve Jobs!


Get It, BIG MAC! ::ha::
I have to do a report on some one well known, and I am 1 of 3 kids in the hole school with a Mac. So some f*g did his report on Bill, just to piss me off! So I thought (with your help) I can show this guy who made thr better operating system. If you guys could help me out by geetting me stuff like his Bio., some history...etc. Thanks in advance!
well, i can only wish you good luck on your report, since i don't feel like surfing the web, and im tired and scared. You better get more mark thingies than that stupid Gates lover.
Woz is my favourite Steve, though. I'd also suggest, if you want to get a quick feel for the topic, rent the vid "Pirates of Silicon Valley". It will at least give you some idea on where to start.
Originally posted by symphonix
Woz is my favourite Steve, though. I'd also suggest, if you want to get a quick feel for the topic, rent the vid "Pirates of Silicon Valley". It will at least give you some idea on where to start.

I saw that ages ago, and since, always been on the lookout for a copy! ...anyone know where i can find it? I've seen it on eBay, but only in VHS, which is no use to me, since all we have are DVD players in my home :(

Definitely get the video, "Pirates of Silicon Valley."

Neither Bill nor Stever really created the operating system that we all know today. They merely stole it, hence the name of the movie, and improved on it, well maybe Gates didn't.....all depends on your perspective :)

Good luck!
Originally posted by dixonbm
Definitely get the video, "Pirates of Silicon Valley."

Neither Bill nor Stever really created the operating system that we all know today. They merely stole it, hence the name of the movie, and improved on it, well maybe Gates didn't.....all depends on your perspective :)

Good luck!

I haven't seen it myself, but keep in mind that it is a made for tv MOVIE. While it is based on reality, it should not be mistaken for actual FACT. I'll have to hunt around but it does contain many inaccuracies and events/times were changed or distorted to move the story (this is not a criticism, the original poster is supposed to be writing a paper, so I assume he actually wants an accurate history). As with anything like this, you have to take the actual characterizations with a grain of salt. Use the other sources mentioned to verify before putting to paper some scene in the movie.
Neyo: I suspect you'll only find it on VHS. Get with the nineties and get a video player, buddy. DVD is just soooo turn of the century. :p

And BinaryDigit, you're right in saying it is just a telemovie dramatisation. If you visit, Woz explains from his perspective all the innacuracies. I'm sure if you could find comments from Steve Jobs or Bill Gates on their idea of the movie, they would be different again.

Like I said, the movie is a starting point that should help BigDog work out what to talk about and look in to.
Hey if you can get your hands on a movie called Pirates Of Silicon Valley, it has pretty much his life story (also everybody else that founded Micro$oft and Apple). It was originally a movie special that TNT produced. Not sure if you can use it for a report but its a good start, I would ask your teacher about it.

Hope that helps you.

ehrm... :)

Just wanted to add that a movie called 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' might be a good start. You might have problems finding it on DVD, but there are some VHS tapes on eBay, I've heard. :p