Stop the insanity!!!


I don't want a war.

I just would like to shed a little light on the recent issues.

I come to this forum for information. I think the members of this community are helpful and reasonable people. Until recently, this has been true, but now there seems to be a lot of hatred and discrimination towards other members (without having to name any names, you know who you are).

I would like to try help in dispelling some of this mess.

1) Stop putting each other down. Everyone's opinion is important; no matter what the topic is.

2) Stop comparing PCs and Macs. It is as futile to do so as it would an apple and a pear. They are different (period)

To get a Macintosh you really only have two options; from Apple or from an Authorized reseller. To get a PC, you can go to a local store and build one from scratch. There will never be a fair comparison between the two because of this simple fact. There are so many vendors out there that produce PC hardware that you can buy to build your pc. You can only buy Apple hardware to build a Mac. So you see, there is no competition for Mac parts. Since there is no competition for Macintosh parts, you can name your price and the public will pay it. For PCs it is different. If you want to build a PC and only have so much to spend, you can buy a cheaper motherboard, so you can spend more for a graphics card. If you don't like the price from on place you can go elsewhere and find a better deal for the components you want. There is so much more checks and balances in the PC market that keeps the prices low on their parts; this is just non-existant in the Mac market. The only think that keeps the Mac market in check is the overall price. If you can buy an all-in-one PC for $799, Apple has to compete with that.

3) Macs and PCs run on different chips. It's not fair to judge a Mac or a PC purely on their MHZ speed. I have built several PCs and based on what parts I used I have had different results in their overall speed. You can have a cheap motherboard and 1.5ghz P4 and if you upgrade to a higher quality motherboard, you can get better performance from that same 1.5ghz. PCs have this option, but with Macs, you get what you get from Apple and that is that. When someone benchmarks a G4 450mhz, you can be fairly sure that that will be consistant scores (Excluding upgrades such as PCI IDE controllers and replacement RAM/Hard Drives). With a PC you get many different result due to different vendors. You can benchmark many different PCs with the same speed and will get different results because of the differences in their parts. So stop making claims that a Mac is faster than a PC. Stop making claims that a PC is faster than a Mac. This is irrelevant when they both do their job differently.

Apple will need to allow 3rd party vendors to again fabricate mac boxes so that there can be competition in the Mac market. In order for this to happen, the Mac market needs to be larger than what it is now. (5% will just not cut it). When Apple has gained enough Market share and has proven itself to the world that it will not dissapear, then this competition will occur and we (the mac community) will benefit with lower prices and more options to which build our own Mac boxes.

So please, stop argueing between each other and let's get back to what this place was created for; to help each other and learn more about our Macintoshes.

Everyone's opinions are important and though you may not agree with them, just remember it's their opinion. You would not like it if someone told you that your opinion is not wanted.

Now let's all go back to squashing bugs in programs and getting our printers to work in OS X!!!
I come to this forum for information. I think the members of this community are helpful and reasonable people. Until recently, this has been true, but now there seems to be a lot of hatred and discrimination towards other members (without having to name any names, you know who you are).

did i miss something somewhere? other than debates with a certain manic depressing poster that cannot really be considered a member of this community and has been deleted, i don't think anyone around here has been expressing hatred towards any other members. there have been some misunderstandings from time to time but this is inevitable given the limitations of this communication medium. normally these misinterpretations get resolved.

as for the idea that all we should be doing is working onour mac problems, well this board would be as boring as being a maytag repairman (in the commercials) if that is all we had to do. let's face it, there aren't that many problems come up in a day. and most of them are consistent ones that have been answered repeatedly. one of the great things about the mac is how well they work in general, right?

i think most of your points about the pc/mac worlds are correct. but i hope your prediction about going more third party again is a fantasy. let's stay 5% and stay 95% happier:)
I did over do it with using the word hatred. It just seems that when someone praises something instead of looking at what the person is happy about, I see more bashing off topic and a lot of the threads seem to lose their meaning. There will always be misunderstandings, but that is life. Its up to the majority to maintain dignity keep relevance to the topic at hand and not to misunderstandings of the minority.

So posters here remind me of the heckler in the movie 'Happy Gilmore', you know the one that kept hollaring "Jackass". Their only intent seem to be to misdirect and cause problems, but I don't think this is the key problem. It's the people that react to this by being negative thus fueling the fire. I just want people to think twice about what they post so that when a person comes to this site, they come because it's a good community of users and not a flamewar debate and that you like to come to see a good fight. There are many other forums out there that can accomidate you if that is what you are looking for.

If you spend more than 10 minutes on this site, you will quickly discover that not all is perfect with the Macintosh platform. There are many problems; some hardware, but mostly software that are causing people here to become less productive/creative with their computer.

This is a user forum to which questions are posted regarding problems with their computer, issues with their hardware compatibilty, and various other compalints, gripes, and even praises about the Macintosh.

Did I describe this place correctly? Have I been logging into the wrong site the whole time? I come here because I find other users out there that have similar problems with their computers and together we seem to get our problems resolved. This is what I want to see continue and not bashing of anyone. Manic may be a problem child to you, but his opinion counts no matter how badly you disagree. I'm not saying he is right, but you or anyone else are not either in that right.

Clint Eastwood was right when he said, "Opinions are like a$$holes, everone's got them."
I tend to just let people be people. Most of the time, the users of this site take care of their own, fight for themselves, and everything for the most part is resolved properly.

I agree, this is not a forum to discuss which platform is best or worst. We all know that Mac is better, there is no argument. Of course there is, but still, that is the point.

Manic's right to an opinion stopped when be abused the rulez of the board. Just like your right to vote stops when you are convicted of a felony. Rights are given and can be taken away. No one is entitled to be here, everyone is allowed to be here.

I believe we have a strong community. I decided to play doctor and stop the cancer from infecting the rest of the community. That was my decision and only my decision. I tend to give people multiple chances and in fact, Manic received (2) warnings, 1 more than I normally give. He received one months ago, and another a few days ago.

This forum is more than just about Macs, its about Windows, its about Linux, and its about Star Trek and discussions about cussing. It is not about which platform is better, but how to make the best of the platform you use and to solve problems you have with that platform.

Ed is correct, if we only solved problems here, that would be boring, but it is the side topic discussions that keep things going and flowing when problems aren't the primary need at any given time.

So, I commend all of you on your patience, I understand everyone's right to free opinion and you should know that I allow such to be exercised here. But, just as your right to shoot a gun stops when its pointed at me... so will your rights and privilages be revoked if you cross the line.

But NEVER will you be banned without a warning. It will not slap you in the face when you least expect it.

bubbajim, before you and i get into a misunderstanding, maybe i should introduce myself. you don't seem to be aware of my stances.

i was the first to stand up publicly for manic. i quote myself: "i many not agree with what he has to say, but i will fight to the death for his right to say it." however i agree with admin's decision in the end. manic passed the point of freedom of speech and bordered on assault. his gun was ready to go off.

i normally check out sections where people need troubleshooting help before i spend any time in this forum or other less critical areas. i have made at least one post encouraging others to do the same. fact is that at least half of the time i log back in there are no new posts with problems. i think you can see my post count and registration date and know that i spend plenty of time here.
i too get tired of what i recently named the "geek wars" - my computer's bigger than yours and i can benchmark more than you discussions. but if the people involved in these enjoy them, then i think i agree with one of your points - who are you or i to stop them? let 'em have their fun. they are allowed to.

now some other things to clear up - 1st the forum you posted this in is not about solving problems, not even ones about user's etiquitte. site discussion is here for that.
and did you expect your opinion to be the only one? am i really an asshole just for having one that differs slightly from yours? did you expect no replies to your post?
yes, you are right about this being a great online community. but community is not a matter of just solving tech questions. community is about human interaction, development of relationships, sharing of personal experience and exchange of ideas. if all you want is to fix problems, try macfixit or apple's own forums.
i personally love this forum. i love the people who are regulars here. i feel a comraderie like i have experienced in no other online site. and i'm not even a computer industry guy. just an ordinary mac user (ok, maybe a slight power user). this community is based upon love of macs, but it is held together by, and grows because of, the wonderful differences between us that keeps us communicating to know more!!

so hey, nice to meet you.

oh, i take the nice to meet you back!!

Go Browns!!
Go Chargers!!
(he he):p ;)

of course i am sure we can agree that Baltimore s**ks and Model swallows:D
It's good you brought that up.. none of my postings in this thread was meant to be directed at you. The Clint Eastwood quote was not an attack on anyone directly.

I have read your posts in the past and you are correct in your defense of Manic.

I posted this thread in this section because it does not relate to troubleshooting. So i thought this would be the most appropriate section out of all the sections here.

But enough of all that...

Just wanted you to know where I was coming from and that my opinions are just that and I try my best not to step on toes and make comments to anyone directly that may come off offensive.

I'm no english major so excuse me if there was any misunderstandings.

I agree that this place would be boring without a little spice in the mix, but I have seen some boards up on the internet that went back real quick because of these kinds of issues and would hate to see this place become a flame board. That is really the point I have wanted to make.

Everyone go on... have fun... just play nice.;)

Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?"

Ed, it was nice to meet you.
see folks how that works:)

if only manic could have communicated like this!!

btw - where in SF are you bubbajim? i'm down the coast just south of pacifica.
I use SF Bay-Area in a more general locale.

I'm in the East Bay. Pleasanton to be exact.

If I put that in as my locale, people would just say, 'HUH?'.. then I say San Fransisco and then they say ohhhh..over there..:D
yea, obviously i do the same. so maybe we'll hookup in all thoughts nontech and get to know more about each other sooner or later. always good to meet another 'local':p