strange scrolling anti alias screen


Dutch member
i don't know what i did,
but my screen suddenly gets blurred (heavy anti alias or something)
and when i move my mouse, the whole screen is following it.
anyone knows what this is?? and how to stop it when it happens??

sorry for my poor english!
sebas, you are a member for more than 2 years and should know, that it is very helpful to add what hardware and what operating system you are using.
Does it get normal after reboot or is it permanently blurry and follows your mouse?
sebas said:
i don't know what i did,
but my screen suddenly gets blurred (heavy anti alias or something)
and when i move my mouse, the whole screen is following it.
anyone knows what this is?? and how to stop it when it happens??

sorry for my poor english!

Sounds like the zoom is turned on. Go to system preferences then the universal access icon and click on the "turn off zoom" button in the seeing tab. This should resolve it :D
Still I insist ppl to add their system configuration, even thought ex0dus probably solved the issue without knowing a thing about the system. :) ;)
I think it's helpful to have system specs in the signature for troubleshooting purposes... This one, however, obviously had nothing to do with the hardware. ;-)
thank you for your help ex0dus
It was the zoom function
never knew that it whas there

And Zammy-Sam next time i will add my system config to the question
Hope you didn't get offended, but mostly ppl just describe the problem without any info about the hard- and software. So, the first reply on that post is always: What hardware and os are you using? ;)
I find frykes idea very good. Simply type it once down in your signature and then it should be fine and you don't need to deal with it.