Yesterday when I tried to boot back to OS 9.2 from X. What I saw was a grey screen and nothing happen. Zapped the PRAM and the machine booted back to X, no problem. But when I select the 9.2 boot disk and restart....same grey screen.
Then I hit the cuda switch on my DP G4's motherboard. And the machine can boot from the 9.2 partition. But OS 9 report that one of the RAM DIMM (512MB from OWC) failed the RAM test.....
Then I reboot in X and X reports no problem. Full 1.5GB of RAM is recognized.
Then I insert the Hardware test CD. And test report no problem with everything....motherboard, RAM, CPU...etc are fine.
.....later I put the RAM into different slots and try to boot again in 9.2. This time. NO problems. Full 1.5GB of RAM is detected.
However, the hardware serial number isn't showing anymore in the system profiler under OS 9. But X is fine.....
Very very strange....
note: My G4 does have the 4.19 firmware...
Then I hit the cuda switch on my DP G4's motherboard. And the machine can boot from the 9.2 partition. But OS 9 report that one of the RAM DIMM (512MB from OWC) failed the RAM test.....
Then I reboot in X and X reports no problem. Full 1.5GB of RAM is recognized.
Then I insert the Hardware test CD. And test report no problem with everything....motherboard, RAM, CPU...etc are fine.
.....later I put the RAM into different slots and try to boot again in 9.2. This time. NO problems. Full 1.5GB of RAM is detected.
However, the hardware serial number isn't showing anymore in the system profiler under OS 9. But X is fine.....
Very very strange....
note: My G4 does have the 4.19 firmware...