Streaming Video & Quick Time

Dean M

I'd like to know if I pay Apple's going fee, (I think $29.99) to download QuickTime 7 PRO if it will allow me to watch 'streaming video' without any 'buffering'.

I have a very good DSL internet connection to Earthlink and I have an iMac G4 with 80GB-CPU and 512MB of memory. So I don't think buffering should be a problem.

I know that PRO is a license key that just unlocks the capabilities that are already installed on the basic QuickTime that came pre-loaded on my machine.
(I aslo read somewhere that you have pay a yearly fee to upgrade PRO).

So is that the best I can do or is there third party software that would do everything that QuickTime Pro does (and more) for a reasonable price.......
Thanks. Dean M