Stubborn Safari always needs TWO force-quits


Crotchety UI Nitpicker
Does anyone know why I always have to force-quit Safari TWICE before it actually quits? Sometimes even three times, if I try using the dialog first instead of the dock menu. The process goes something like this:

1. Safari hangs, which is way too common in Tiger.
2. I control-click its icon in the dock.
3. 10-30 seconds later, the menu appears telling me the application isn't responding (surprise, surprise)
4. I choose "Force quit"
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4.

It's annoying enough that Safari hangs as much as it does, but having to wait about a full minute to quit+reload it gets bloody tiring. Using the dialog just adds about 30 seconds to the process, since it takes even longer than the menus to appear (I just tested it, and it took 30 seconds, and nothing's even hanging right now!)

So....what gives? Apps never took so much effort to quit in Panther.

And yes, I know I need more RAM. :)
Mikuro said:
Does anyone know why I always have to force-quit Safari TWICE before it actually quits? ...
And yes, I know I need more RAM. :)

This would be a great first step. I have seen way too many 'minimum memory' Macs with issues similar to yours.
Adding more memory will allow the system to be more stable, and some of these issues will fade away. I won't try to convince you that everything will be perfect simply by adding memory, but I think you will find these incidents may happen much less often.
This can help with Safari, also. Paste the following into your Applescript editor, click compile, and then save as an application. Run it every day if you like. It will help keep Safari 'tuned up'

tell application "Safari" to quit
tell application "Finder"
set x to (path to current user folder) as text
set y to x & "Library:Caches:Safari" as text
set z to x & "Library:Safari:History.plist" as text
set zz to x & "Library:Preferences:" as text
if (exists item y) then
delete item y
end if
if (exists item z) then
delete item z
end if
if (exists item zz) then
delete item zz
end if
empty trash
end tell

Good Luck - try to get more memory soon.