Student software upgrade to non student??!! Help!


Freelance Illustrator
Help! I just won a 2nd hand education version of adobe creative suite premium thinking it was the non-edu version, as I read the 'education' bit as 'edition'!(it was only written once in a good amount of text) I feel so stupid as I had been really careful to avoid edu versions!!:(

- any idea if it would be ok for me as a non education related person (freelance illustrator) because it's a 2nd hand? Also wondering if I would be able to upgrade to the latest CS2 full non education version?

Any help asap would be appreciated - I've let the seller know my situation and am waiting for him to respond.

Thanks in advance O_O;;;
Unfortunately the license agreements for Adobe's educational software don't permit any form of ownership transfer, or at least didn't last year when I was researching. So legally, the seller is not allowed to sell the software to you, and you should not go through with the purchase. I seem to remember that you can't upgrade to a full version from the educational edition in any case, and even if you could, you would need to prove your educational status, quite likely with the same name as the software was originally registered to.

So, to put it more concisely: put your hands over your head and back away, slowly. :)
Thanks dlloyd - or should I say 'Doh! - I was hoping you wouldn't say that! but was expecting it!

...Anyone else? I'm planning on contacting a mac shop or adobe themselves tomorrow as well but value personal experience in these situations! :D

P.S. the guy did say he would and that it was easy to (he had an explanation of the process and sounded open and honest about it) change the registration to whoever bought the software (original cds boxed with serial numbers) - so not sure what's going on there
Hi guys - just to finish this in-case anyone is wondering - I contacted adobe themselves and dlloyd you are totally right apart from the bit about not being able to upgrade to a full non-education version from the eduction edition so long as you are the person it's registered to originally (as far as I can tell from what the adobe guy was saying anyway)

So, it all worked out fine with the seller who was very good about everything and cancelled it straight away. So at least it was a stress-free ending to this whole fiasco!
