Notifications! ... the Red Email Checker on the Dock icon is a funky, and cool thing, but i think apple should extend it, so it can notify you of different mailboxes, signified by different Colours. For Example, all my Forum reply mail is passed automatically into my JunkMail, but as its put directly in there, it ISN'T Supposed 2 show me (on the dock icon) that i have mail. So i think it'd be cool, if it showed a Brown Symbol, for Junk Email for example, and allow you to add new Mailboxes, and configure its colouring of notification or whether mail should merge the total unread ... or 'Wat 'ev!
Spring Loaded Folders
A way of extended upon which is already very useful feature! .. i dont know how many of you guys have a folder or more, in your dock?! have u tried dragging a file, and using spring loaded folder-esque file transfer technique, with a folder in your Dock?! ... the Dock Jus continues to stare at you, and so you may have to go, from the (root) on ya Desktop Hard Drive, which maybe (for example) 10 Directories higher, than that of the folder in the Dock! (does that make sense?!)
A Send button! ...Sometimes you simply use the Mouse to point and select an emotion rather than type it, but then you have to hit ENTER to send it. A Send button, in some instances is helpful! (Altho i know not used too often, its missed when its NOT there!!)
There are more Obvious things we'd want from iChat, which i am sure will be added in due time (ie Video and Voice etc) ...So i won't mention that!
Minimized Windows
Often, i have Windows Minimized, and think, "i'm done reading that, i'll close it". For me, its often 'natural' to Right Click the Dock Window representation, and hit Close ... But as you all know, there's NO Close! i'd like to see a Close added there, maybe all 3 options offered from All windows (Zoom, Minimize (ok, maybe not that, cus its already minimized! lol), and Close)
The New Smart Playlists are great, and allow me to make new playlists quickly, but one thing that bugs me, are when you have Singles and Albums in your Library! For Example, say i want to create a playlist, for a particular artist i know i have a lot of Singles For, but he also appears on a few Albums i have in the same Library. Now, there's no way (as far as i am aware) to say ... DO NOT include a track, that has a 'track _ of _' tag ...So the only way i have been able to sort through it, is just do my playlist, then sort that list by track No. And then remove all *manually* that have a Album Identifying tag.
Another little extra i'd like to see, is when u switch from Full itunes view, to a Mini version, some kinda genie type morph effect, i know like most stuff i've mentioned, this is kinda *pointless* but Mac OS X is build upon many fancy effects and all, why not add a few more 'here and there?'
'export playlist to txt or html file?' -This was the ONLY feature i liked in Winamp! i could export the current or 'selected' playlist to a HTML File, which i could do, whatever i wished with it.
*Sort by Filename!!! i have a host of imported images, which i'd like to sort by name! ...Why isn't this in there, surely its kinda obvious!?
As Y'all know, i am still learning day by day, and all these are merely observations, it maybe that some of which i've mentioned are infact in X, or the application itself. If thats So, please, let me know How to do the 'thing' . The post isn't meant, as a 'rant' but as a constructive post, as to things i think could improve X, beyond what jaguar has brought us already.
Notifications! ... the Red Email Checker on the Dock icon is a funky, and cool thing, but i think apple should extend it, so it can notify you of different mailboxes, signified by different Colours. For Example, all my Forum reply mail is passed automatically into my JunkMail, but as its put directly in there, it ISN'T Supposed 2 show me (on the dock icon) that i have mail. So i think it'd be cool, if it showed a Brown Symbol, for Junk Email for example, and allow you to add new Mailboxes, and configure its colouring of notification or whether mail should merge the total unread ... or 'Wat 'ev!
Spring Loaded Folders
A way of extended upon which is already very useful feature! .. i dont know how many of you guys have a folder or more, in your dock?! have u tried dragging a file, and using spring loaded folder-esque file transfer technique, with a folder in your Dock?! ... the Dock Jus continues to stare at you, and so you may have to go, from the (root) on ya Desktop Hard Drive, which maybe (for example) 10 Directories higher, than that of the folder in the Dock! (does that make sense?!)
A Send button! ...Sometimes you simply use the Mouse to point and select an emotion rather than type it, but then you have to hit ENTER to send it. A Send button, in some instances is helpful! (Altho i know not used too often, its missed when its NOT there!!)
There are more Obvious things we'd want from iChat, which i am sure will be added in due time (ie Video and Voice etc) ...So i won't mention that!
Minimized Windows
Often, i have Windows Minimized, and think, "i'm done reading that, i'll close it". For me, its often 'natural' to Right Click the Dock Window representation, and hit Close ... But as you all know, there's NO Close! i'd like to see a Close added there, maybe all 3 options offered from All windows (Zoom, Minimize (ok, maybe not that, cus its already minimized! lol), and Close)
The New Smart Playlists are great, and allow me to make new playlists quickly, but one thing that bugs me, are when you have Singles and Albums in your Library! For Example, say i want to create a playlist, for a particular artist i know i have a lot of Singles For, but he also appears on a few Albums i have in the same Library. Now, there's no way (as far as i am aware) to say ... DO NOT include a track, that has a 'track _ of _' tag ...So the only way i have been able to sort through it, is just do my playlist, then sort that list by track No. And then remove all *manually* that have a Album Identifying tag.
Another little extra i'd like to see, is when u switch from Full itunes view, to a Mini version, some kinda genie type morph effect, i know like most stuff i've mentioned, this is kinda *pointless* but Mac OS X is build upon many fancy effects and all, why not add a few more 'here and there?'
'export playlist to txt or html file?' -This was the ONLY feature i liked in Winamp! i could export the current or 'selected' playlist to a HTML File, which i could do, whatever i wished with it.
*Sort by Filename!!! i have a host of imported images, which i'd like to sort by name! ...Why isn't this in there, surely its kinda obvious!?
As Y'all know, i am still learning day by day, and all these are merely observations, it maybe that some of which i've mentioned are infact in X, or the application itself. If thats So, please, let me know How to do the 'thing' . The post isn't meant, as a 'rant' but as a constructive post, as to things i think could improve X, beyond what jaguar has brought us already.