StuffIt InstallerMaker problems


I'm trying to get my USB MemoryStick reader working with Mac OS X and iPhoto. The reader works 'out of the box' in OS 9, but a driver is required in OS X (10.1.2). On the manufacturers website I found an OS X driver:

It is an InstallerMaker 6.5 archive, but I cannot seem to unstuff/install it with the StuffIt supplied with OS X (6.0.1). I have tried the most recent (7.01) of StuffIt Expander without any luck. Doubleclicking the .sit-file starts StuffIt Expander, but nothing happens after that.

Could someone please verify if the archive is corrupt/OS 9 only (only a 480K download) or maybe enlighten me on how to use StuffIt InstallerMaker archives.
can you open it from inside stuffit ? Otherwise you don't know which version of stuffit is trying to open your file.
I'm sure it tries to open in StuffIt 6.0.1 (supplied with OS X), because I had a crash when trying to install InstallerMaker to convert the .sit. The installation core dumped and the only solution was to power off. After that, the iMac wouldn't even boot. After the restore I haven't installed StuffIt 7 again.

When double clicking the file StuffIt Expander (6.0.1) starts, but the archive is not expanded/the installer does not start.

I just tried rebooting into OS9 again, and ran the .sit-file from there. It works there, and I get the choice of Install/UnInstall. When installing it seems like two USB-files are installed in the (OS9) Extension folder:

LC1 USB Driver
USB LC1 Shim

Does this mean that the drivers are for OS 9 only then?

I'm new to Mac OS and may be wrong, but I do not expect any drivers found in the OS 9 system folder to be able to run in the Classic environment in OS X. Or do they?
The file you downloaded is a OS 9 file. It opens in 9.

Exactly which model do you have?
I have the standard "entry-level" iMac (15" LCD), G4-700/128MB with OS X 10.1.2/OS9.2.

The vendor claims that the Memory Stick readers I'm trying to get the drivers for are in fact working in OS X. When downloading the drivers, I have the choice of Windows drivers or "iMac/G3"-drivers. I guess they are OS9 drivers then?

I'm downloading the 10.1.5 update now, hoping that the improved USB-support fixes my problems. If that does not work I'll go for Jaguar.