stupid dialogs?


I have some problems with the file dialogs, especially the fact that it seems impossible to use the arrowkeys to navigate!
must be a bug right?

further, some applications (read: QT Player) grays out files that it should be able to open, which is odd. There is not "show all files/show readable files" option.

The greyed out action comes from the filename extensions... sometimes you need to change them for the apps to recognize. I've noticed this- very annoying.
how very windoze.

stupid, to say the least. what happened to type/creator? that feature is still there right?
what happened to type/creator? that feature is still there right?
It has been brought to my understanding by people more in touch with Apple's project that the type and creator management will be there in final and totally Mac like. It has not been fully implemented in beta, however, thus the problem raised here.

(P.S. not to worry, I am no BumbleBee ;-) )