Stupid Finder Tricks


gorilla beta tester
Something interesting I read from another forum,....

Boot Classic,..go into the OS9 system folder, double click Finder

The classic finder will load and suddenly you have classic finder windows on your desktop. Bizzare, however I could not get classic trashcan or disk icons to appear on the desktop.
I have not had to reinstall my system once. I don't always use classic, but when I do use it,.I almost always play with the old finder. Problems I have had include windows that don't want to move,.or disapear completely, but I have not managed to Break the system yet.

As a warning to others, what exact steps did you follow to break your system? Thus needing a reinstall?

ok here goes...

opened the Classic Finder, played around for awhile, then decided to restart. Everything shut down ok, but the system hung with the blue desktop & blank white menubar.

Left it for a few minutes, it obviously wasn't doing anything (no spinning cursor, no disk access) so i first tried force quitting, then tried command-power, but neither did anything, so I hit the g4's reset button.

When it restarted I got a blinking question mark disk icon, so I started up off the OS9 CD, used System Disk to select the OSX partition, and it restarted OK this time.

The GUI side of OSX worked fine, but the only shell i could get to work was sh. csh & tcsh both gave an exec format error (or something) and checking the disk with the OSX Disk First Aid program reported header damage, so I decided the best thing was just to backup whatever documents I had on that partition & reformat & reinstall, and set Classics boot volume to another partition, anyhow things are fine now. Seems to be faster too without any fragmentation.

I don't like the OS9 Finder *that* much! ;)
g4 400mHZ AGP 128 RAM Apple-BTO SCSI card, internal DVD-RAM + ZIP
10GB HD (one partition) 3.4 GB External SCSI (2 partitions)
Asante 10/100 hub to ZyXel 641 DSL router
Other machines on the network: 6100/66 24/1GB, 7500/100 32/1GB, Centris 650 64/230MB, Quadra 605 12/80, Performa 636 32/250

And there's an SE/30 laying around that may be affecting things in some quantum fashion ;)
Endian -

I doubt that a reinstall was necessary. It hasn't been for me.

In fact, although the GUI hangs when quitting, the machine is still up (accepts incoming telnet).

Readers of this thread might want to see <a href="">another thread</a> I started ealier (with some screenshots).
i know it wasn't neccessary, but disk first aid reported damage, and i wanted to change my partitioning around (get OS9 off my OSX partition & set Classic to boot up off another partition i have with a default install of 9) and reinstalling just seemed like the quickest way to fix everything at once.
Originally posted by endian
i know it wasn't neccessary, but disk first aid reported damage, and i wanted to change my partitioning around (get OS9 off my OSX partition & set Classic to boot up off another partition i have with a default install of 9) and reinstalling just seemed like the quickest way to fix everything at once.

Yeah, I know what you mean. It seems like I hve spent the past week just moving things around, getting situated. I just installed a basic OS9 onto my OS x disk so I an retain my standard modified OS9 (like with behierarchic on another partition). I just wish Sonnet had OSX support for their Tempo card!
Go to the terminal and execute this command:
"defaults write Desktop.HasTrash 1"

Hope this helps!