Stupid form elements


Digital Music Pimp

Can someone please tell me why text input fields on Windows don't respect sizes properly, in any browser???

On my G5, both Safari and Firefox render the elements correctly. the other jpeg is from IE in XP. Firefox on XP does the same thing though.




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I think you can set a font size using css commands inside the seperate tags? say like <input type=text name="blar" size=25 style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7px...etc">

Or in the header just like, INPUT { rules here } I've never tried that way though.

Not sure though, I'm probably wrong.

EDIT: just re-read what you typed, I'm not sure if what I'm on about is what your asking. If it is I hope it helps a bit anyway.
um. basically Firefox and MSIE are using a text-input control that won't go below a size of about "6" (for input fields, this relates to approximately how many characters it will show)
I have got them showing the background and font colours, and size. but the date fields need lots of 2 sized fields, and when it doesn't go below 6, that makes the whole thing look stuffed.i would really rather not have to put in <select> combo boxes for every one...
I've been able to quish them down using IDs (rather than classes) and addressing them individually in CSS (not embedded). Give that a try?
Cool. fixed. thank you very much guys. attached is the new layout (i also removed the borders on the text boxes, so the page is as close to the public's view page as possible)


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