Stupid iCal


So i put in all my bill due dates in iCal, then set it to remind me 5 days before they are due via email so i don't forget. Well i didn't realize that you needed to have iCal running for that to happen. And you can't have iCal open and the window closed. It's so PC like it pisses me off.

I just thought i'd vent.

EXACTLY the reason I don't use iCal... I was really excited about it when it was released, hoping I could finally replace Entourage, the only M$ program I still use... But nooooo... They need something running in the background like Entourage does or some other way to remind us... maybe closer integration w/ the OS... but this whole having to keep the program open at all times is NO good...
In a way I agree as I have the habit of closing iCal then forget about it for a while - I remember to turn it back on because it shows yesterday's date on the dock...

But as long as I can keep myself from hitting the X and remember to hide it instead (and have it as Login Items as Hidden) everything's peachy.

Hopefully they will integrate it into the OS in a future release.
I've got an other question about iCal. When you make a "Task to Do" in iCal, and you (i)Syncronise your iPod, it puts the "Task to Do" on your iPod, but where can i view those "Tasks to Do" on my iPod!??

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I have "played" with iCal myself. I am not really inspired with it. I also have Palm loaded for my PDA and even though iCal somewhat syncs with the Palm, it isn't as reliable. Maybe it is a work in progress but for a supposedly release version it is not impressive at all.
it's the 1.0 version, probably mixing with isync which is still in beta .
Anyway ical doesn't even work with .mac.....sad
Actually, you can puclish your iCal calendars to .Mac

I think that the biggest problem iCal has is that it closes when you hit the close window button. There is no reason for this. if iCal ran windowless, I think people would be less bothered with leaving it open all the time.

Also, when an applescript tried to run, mail will give you a prompt asking if you want to allow mail to be controlled by applescript.

if you quit and relaunch mail, it will ask again the next time the reminder script runs.

While this is a good security feature, it does mean that both iCal and Mail have to be running and that you have to have answered the mail question during the current instance of running mail

a lot less useful, but a lot more secure....
Originally posted by davidlong68
it's the 1.0 version, probably mixing with isync which is still in beta .
Anyway ical doesn't even work with .mac.....sad

Sorry, that was a brain fart. I was thinking iSync for some reason.
I actually find iCal quite useful. The underlying vCalendar format is opensource and so it shouldn't be too hard to write a small dockling that reads up the files and provides alert functionality. I synch with my web site automatically (using same PHP software as using simple FTP. As a startup item I drag down the files from the website and as a logoff item I post them back up. This means I can synch two computers with my web front end and not use that read only subscribe functionality - both computers can publish. I know that that there are issues with two computers being on at the same time, but I can work around that, if I need to, which I don't. I have an iPod, so I am also sync'd with that.

I agree that iCal is a bit light on the functionality at the moment, but it is very customisable. It really wouldn't be too hard to integrate the functionality that I have put in with a central database to allow some multiple user functionality if it was required (i.e. when login or launch, make a call to a database to recreate the iCal .ics files used).

When you make a "Task to Do" in iCal, and you (i)Syncronise your iPod, it puts the "Task to Do" on your iPod, but where can i view those "Tasks to Do" on my iPod!??

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