stupid question about Mac OS X and python


I started to look into python today and have been using it in the terminal app, however I would like to be able to use textedit, nedit or emacs to type up a source file. How would I go about doing this? I am using os X.2. It would be a real help.

BBEdit comes with a command-line program (conveniently named "bbedit") for opening/creating text files in BBEdit. See THIS TIP.

For other editors check out this THIS TIP.
Thank you for the information however, my problem is not with the editor (and I don't have BBEdit anyway), i am using a application called Nedit that supports python, but my problem is with the python compiler/interpreter. My question is somewhat ambiguous. A better question is how do I get it to run the contents of a text file (saved as a .py file not txt) from a program like Nedit, TextEdit, or emacs.
In emacs, you can type Escape, x, shell-command, enter, then enter a command that runs your script. Option-x works for Escape-x if you have enabled the appropriate "Use option key as meta key" option in Terminal, or if you are using the OS X GUI port of emacs.
Well, that helps, but my question is what is the command that runs my script when using python?
Well, that would be your python program. Mine is /usr/bin/python, use 'where python' in tcsh or 'type python' in bash to find out where yours is. In fact, if you set your script file up right with #!/usr/bin/python as the first line, with execute permissions (chmod u+x, you can just execute the script file with shell-command.
If you want to be slightly less dependant on where python is installed you can also use:
#!/usr/bin/env python

this will work on most *nix setups.
