The 'defaults write com.apple.terminal TerminalOpaqueness' command is pretty cool to get the terminal window transparent. But when we set the variable to, for exemple, '0.45', the window is transparent but the text too. How can we get this text to be 100% opaque while the window is at 20 or 30 %. You know the give the illusion that the text is not in a window and flotting in the air (just like in Linux).
The 'defaults write com.apple.terminal TerminalOpaqueness' command is pretty cool to get the terminal window transparent. But when we set the variable to, for exemple, '0.45', the window is transparent but the text too. How can we get this text to be 100% opaque while the window is at 20 or 30 %. You know the give the illusion that the text is not in a window and flotting in the air (just like in Linux).