Sudden, Random Safari Problems


Today started off just like usual. Everything was running great, and I was using Safari to browse the web just like anybody else would. No issues at all. But then, for no apparent reason that I can possibly think of, Safari decided to give me troubles. I can launch Safari just fine, and I can type in a URL and go to it just as normal. However, once the page loads, Safari simply refuses to load any pages that I type in or any links that I click on. It will just sit there and do nothing. This has me completely stumped… I have never experienced an issue like this before. I've even tried a repair disk/permissions with no luck, and I've reinstalled Safari completely off my OS X disc with no luck. Camino and Firefox work just fine, as well as every other application that uses an Internet connection, so it certainly isn't an issue with my connection. Has anybody heard of an issue like this? I simply do not know what to do, and I really do not want to have to switch to Firefox over this.

I do have some plug-ins (SafariStand, AcidSearch, PithHelmet, and ForgetMeNot), but I just removed them and the problem still persists, so I don't think that's the issue either.


EDIT: I… I don't understand it. I got it to work by following the advice in this thread - Going into my System Preferences > Network panel, selecting my connection and clicking the "Configure" button, going to the TCP/IP tab, and entering "" in the "DNS Servers" box. After doing that (and rebooting my computer), Safari is working just fine again. Now that Safari is running properly, I'm pretty curious as to why it works now. According to people in that thread, is one of Verizon's domain server numbers. But why would that work for me if I'm on a university connection that has no affiliation with Verizon whatsoever?
Hey, thanX for that heads-up! Safari had been acting up on me for months now, and re-entering in the DNS Server box seems to have fixed everything. Guess that when I updated to 10.4.8 that setting got erased-- know I entered it in like a year or so ago but had forgot all about it since then.

BTW, anyone here try OpenDNS? Think I might have a go at it.

ThanX again, Axlin!
BTW, anyone here try OpenDNS? Think I might have a go at it.
I just gave it a shot for kicks, and I can tell you that there is a huge difference. I'm talking going from five seconds to fully load to two seconds. I also noticed that it makes corrections to certain typos - like typing "" so that you still get to the correct website. Not bad, eh? Just replace that "" with both of these numbers:

and reboot. Use this page to make sure that it's working.
@Axlin: Yes, I did do that Open DNS thing and it really does make some sites load a lot faster. Also I took the advice of Hawaiian_Starman in the Apple forum and disabled IPv6, as I do not stream iTunes. Looks like you are not the only non-Verizon customer who benefited from the fix, as per said forum.

Next step, getting my network admin to reconfigure, via OpenDNS, the worthless Westell router that Verizon furnished us...

ThanX again!!