Sudden shutdowns - help!


Two days ago, my emac began shutting down suddenly, without warning, as I was using Photoshop. The screen went blank and the Epson 825 printer stopped in mid-line. When I started the emac up again, there was no error or disc scanning message -- it just started up as usual. I thought the problem was connected to Photoshop, but now the emac is shutting down 10 to 30 seconds after I start it. Unfortunately, I don't have access to my puchase and support materials. Can anyone give me advice as to what is happening and what I should do? Thanks.
Could be a power supply problem. I would have it checked by Apple if under warranty.
Is it actually shutting down, or going to sleep (power button pulsing, or off completely?)? The reason I ask is because if I'm not mistaken a characterization of the G4 is that it will put itself to sleep if it is over-heated. But I'm assuming it is actually powering down fully.

As bobw stated, you should probably have it checked out.
Yes, it is powering down completely. It seems to be happening in less and less time after the Emac is started. It is on a surge protector with other equipment, and aside from the printer, nothing else goes down when it does. Thanks again..