Suggestions for MP3 laptop?


s|hatfield not shat|field
I've been looking at all of the MP3 players out there (iPod, JukeBox, Riot), but I've also been thinking of alternatives. The one that's been sticking in my mind recently is getting a used Apple laptop, slapping in a 40 GB hard drive, somehow putting in a Firewire port, and playing my MP3's from there using iTunes. Doing this, I would get more space, and the interface would be a lot easier to navigate. Another reason I like this is because it would be harder to misplace :D .

Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to do this as cheaply as possible?
An iPod, even if (when) they release a 20 GB version, wouldn't be large enough; I'd like to get something that could carry all of my music and then some.
I think you can order 40gb drives to fit iBook, and PowerBook has them as an option. The iBook 12" with a CD-Writer would be about right. Battery life is about 4-and-a-bit hours, audio output is on the left side and easy to get to. It goes to sleep when the lid is closed though (but I suppose you could disconnect the sensor if you don't mind sleeping it manually)
I think the 14" iBook has a bigger battery, but with a bigger screen it would probably even out in the batterry life figures.

Hell of a big walkman, though. If its just for MP3s, the iPod is probably it, just sync a differrent 5gb with iTunes every few days.
Is there a way, though, that I can fit an older, cheaper PowerBook with an IDE drive and a FireWire port? I guess I could go for USB, but everyone knows how relatively slow that would be.

Also, it wouldn't be for carrying around and listening to while I walk around as much as it would be more for taking to parties (a lot of them) and hooking up to a sound system.

Maybe some portable music pirating, too.

(Yarrrgh, maties. The RIAA says to walk the plank, you land-lubbers)
you will not find anything as affordable as a iPod or Rio Riot...

$399 is less than you'll pay for a apple laptop capable of MP3 playback and accepting a firewire PCMCIA card.

are you handy with electronics? make your own with some stuff from radioshack. :rolleyes:
iPod: Not big enough
Riot: No FireWire, also not big enough

Bottom Line: Willing to spend more than $399; just not at RadioShack
Since you're not carrying it around in your pocket, get an iBook (2nd hand if need be, as long as it has firewire) and plug in a firewire drive. It is also possible to upgrade the built-in drive, if you're brave.
And if its not going to be used for much more than MP3s and some net-surfing, the old clam-shell iBooks would be fine, but you'll need firewire and some way to back up. The screen on these is only 800x600, and they weigh a lot more than the current iBooks, but they're tough and they work.
Yeah, since you insist on so much storage space, a 'book is your best bet. And if you want to do this in a cheap way, my best reccomendation is to scour ebay for not only iBooks with Firewire, but also PowerBook G3s.... they're wonderful machines, and they hold up well.