I have recently moved my employer's design studio over to Mac OSX 10.2.4. We are running Suitcase 10.2 and Freehand 10 (updated point release) as our font manager and main artwork layout app (until we fully transition to InDesign 2).
We have been having problems with Suitcase enabling all of some font faces for printing (all Postscript type1 font, of course). In the case of fonts like Adobe Garamond, for example, all the fonts are displayed correctly in Freehand, but when printed, sometimes the italics and semi-bolds will be substituted out with the system default font. The same occurs with other well known fonts such as Goudy.
I have managed to work around most of these occurrences, which I suspect is due to the manner in which you add fonts to Suitcase (you should add fonts the the Suitcase database by the add menu, not by simply dragging the font folders into the set window, which adds them as sets).
Our major problem is that since Acrobat Distiller has to run in classic, and as such there is no "print to PDF" function like in OS9 (you can hack together a Virtual printer using the Distiller OS9 PPD to make your postscript files though), it relies on Suitcase 10's Classic font bridge to pass all the font information to suitcase's font handling engine running in classic, thus activating the fonts for Distiller.
I am finding that not all fonts, and in some cases, not all faces within a font are being correctly activated in classic, even if Distiller completes the PDF without registering an error, producing PDFs with incorrect font faces in them.
See the attached screenshot. The PDF on the left is the failed result, and the Freehand document in the back ground is what it should have been.
We have been having problems with Suitcase enabling all of some font faces for printing (all Postscript type1 font, of course). In the case of fonts like Adobe Garamond, for example, all the fonts are displayed correctly in Freehand, but when printed, sometimes the italics and semi-bolds will be substituted out with the system default font. The same occurs with other well known fonts such as Goudy.
I have managed to work around most of these occurrences, which I suspect is due to the manner in which you add fonts to Suitcase (you should add fonts the the Suitcase database by the add menu, not by simply dragging the font folders into the set window, which adds them as sets).
Our major problem is that since Acrobat Distiller has to run in classic, and as such there is no "print to PDF" function like in OS9 (you can hack together a Virtual printer using the Distiller OS9 PPD to make your postscript files though), it relies on Suitcase 10's Classic font bridge to pass all the font information to suitcase's font handling engine running in classic, thus activating the fonts for Distiller.
I am finding that not all fonts, and in some cases, not all faces within a font are being correctly activated in classic, even if Distiller completes the PDF without registering an error, producing PDFs with incorrect font faces in them.
See the attached screenshot. The PDF on the left is the failed result, and the Freehand document in the back ground is what it should have been.