SuperDuper Backup Problems


I've been having a world of trouble getting SuperDuper's scheduled backup to complete without errors. It seems to be a different error every time. I'm backing up my MacBook Pro to a bootable image on a Windows 2003 file server.

SuperDuper's support has been terrific and Dave Nanian (who wrote the application, I believe) has provided a lot of input and offered a lot of suggestions. In response, I've:

1. Repaired the backup volume multiple times
2. Written an AppleScript to quit out of Parallels and empty the trash before the backup begins.

Still no love. At least no consistent love. Has anyone else had problems getting SuperDuper's scheduled backup to work? More often than not, my problem ends up being a corrupted image, it seems (repair disk finds problems that it fixes), but I can't understand why. I've even repaired an image in the morning and the backup still fails the next time it's run (again, for what appears to be a corruption issue).

The rest of my networked functionality works great and my anti-virus software excludes the folder where the sparseimage file is stored.

Any insight would be appreciated.