
Yeah, its all there on the Dev CD and its a piece of cake to get to grips with - I've only done very limited programming and I'm getting the hang of it. As for the other major apps, Adobe and Macromedia are all well in on OS X - all we're waiting for is the slowpokes at Quark. <recalls classic line from Macromedia Director Windows manual... "Macromedia recommends Power Macintosh for all professional work...">. More games are coming through just lately, but I have a PS2 for all that malarkey anyway, and it doesn't sound like thats a major concern for you.

I'd say just jump on in. It sounds like you've pretty much convinced yourself you want one. If it helps, I know loads of people who have used Macs, be it mine, or ones at work, and then gone out and bought one. I don't know any Mac user who's had a play with Windows and decided they needed it in their lives. I've used macs since around 95 and i've never even been tempted back. Every time I have to use Windows 95, 98, XP, whatever, I generally end up wondering why people are still putting up with it. I'm trying not to be biased, I just really do enjoy using my Macs.
Originally posted by Aeronyth
It would be so nice if Mac was the majority platform...

NOOOO!!! i don't want to live in constant fear of viruses and worms and trojan horses. i like knowing that i am relatively safe from such things and don't have to virus scan everything that crosses my desktop. i like knowing that i am using the best and that 90% of people don't know any better than to use windows (or are too afraid to not be like their friends)

With a mac, we can play in their world just fine, but they can't stomp around and muck ours up.

i could rant on and on about why i don't want to see this and have at other points in other threads. but if the virus thing isn't enough to clear your perception on this issue, the rest won't matter.
Well, you do have a point there. I have suffered from viruses a couple of times...forced me to reinstall windows. Ick.
I guess i could say that i've always liked macs...even back on the old PowerMac all-in-one-education-machine that crashed alot. :p

Hmm..i wonder what OS version that was..
Just so that you know. mac do come in a few different styles.
a) all in ones
b) Towers

both have thier ups and downs

all in ones are almost care free, but you can hardly upgrade them
towers can be upgraded, but they cost more and you have to buy a monitor

just thought i would brin that up

"you will be happy once you leave the darkside"
Originally posted by Aeronyth
I guess i could say that i've always liked macs...even back on the old PowerMac all-in-one-education-machine that crashed alot. :p

Hmm..i wonder what OS version that was..

The all-in-one G3 originally came with 8.0. It was full of bugs and generally crappy. Crashed all the time. And schools probably never cared to update to 8.1 :p