Switcher! Well kinda!


Hello there, Just thought I would share my little switch experience with all you kind folks :)

My friend left his iBook G4 over at the house and I decided to power it up, and play around with it. I loved how snappy it was, and the feel of it. He only had 256 mb of ram in it and I was still impressed. So what did I do?

I ordered myself a 12" iBook with 1 gig of ram, Mainly for traveling and Photoshop (think photoshop will run decent?). I'm going to be moving back to England at the end of the month and wanted something small, and portable, with good battery life, while I could of gotten a cheaper PC laptop the battery life was around..1 hour fully charged.

I still ofcource have my PC for gaming :)

Looking forward to being here with you guys, you all seem very professional and helpful (something hard to find in the PC world)
welcome! :) and you've got yourself a nice iBook there... with 1 GB RAM, Photoshop should run just fine. (Okay: If you have to handle 500 MB+ sized files, the G4 will probably be a bit weak in the knees...) ;)
Welcome! Sounds like you are all ready exploring the Mac, and enjoying it. Your right, people on this board are professional, and many well knowledgeable about computers, particularly the Macintosh.
Your Ibook will be a loyal friend for a few years enjoy it.:)
Jackovas said:
I still ofcource have my PC for gaming :)


WoW plays _great_ on my iBook. (graphics turned low of course). Swimming is a pain in the back, but your fingers get pretty deft doing it.


Starcraft Broodwar is still my fav though... :D
Macs were not meant for gaming...

I love my macs. but I am not much of a pc gamer, I prefer consoles.

I have bought a couple games for my mac but most get old quick and sit on the shelf.

But not to derail the thread at all.

You will love your mac, they are amazing little machines. I can do just about everything I would be able to do on a windows machine without the fear of adware, spyware, and viruses.
Mystic Gohan said:
Macs were not meant for gaming...

I love my macs. but I am not much of a pc gamer, I prefer consoles.

That's a totally BS comment. If that's true, then so is the statement that Macs are only good for artists. Again BS...

Sure there aren't as many games, but I'm not bored by my options.
I gotta agree there... sure, there's a wealth of options on Windows -- most of which is utter crap with a spattering of awesome games here and there. On the Mac, we skip all the BS and just get straight to the good stuff.

I always thought you could tell a truly good, well-rounded, fun game by whether it was offered on the Mac or not.
The iBook 12" is an awesome little machine. I have the old G3-500, which was the first one in the current body-shape released back in 2001. We take it with us when we're on holidays, and it serves well to let us download the camera into iPhoto, check email, do our banking and even play DVDs. Your one should be nice and snappy, and will perform beautifully in PhotoShop. They are just the *perfect* size, too, light and easy to carry. You're probably wise to buy now, since I don't know how much longer we'll be seeing 12" laptops.

As for games, don't be too dismissive. My iMac G5's games folder contains more than 80 titles, including all of the Quake, Doom and Unreal series. I've got over 10 copnsole emulators, lots of strategy and puzzle games, and I even have a few Microsoft titles in there. ;-)

You'll soon find that owning a Mac is very different to owning a PC, especially the buying/upgrading pattern. With a PC, you spend quite a lot on new hardware and upgrades over the years. With a Mac, you simply buy a new one every 2-3 years, alternating between a laptop and a desktop, so that in a few years you'll have a few good desktop macs and a couple of good laptop macs, all being used every day, while a PC owner will have spent the same amount to keep one computer up-to-date and will have a big pile of unwanted components sitting in boxes.

Also, you'll find you spend a lot less time hunting for drivers and patches. From now on, just tell yourself "Drivers? Thats Apple's job." and let Software Update do the work.