Hello there, Just thought I would share my little switch experience with all you kind folks 
My friend left his iBook G4 over at the house and I decided to power it up, and play around with it. I loved how snappy it was, and the feel of it. He only had 256 mb of ram in it and I was still impressed. So what did I do?
I ordered myself a 12" iBook with 1 gig of ram, Mainly for traveling and Photoshop (think photoshop will run decent?). I'm going to be moving back to England at the end of the month and wanted something small, and portable, with good battery life, while I could of gotten a cheaper PC laptop the battery life was around..1 hour fully charged.
I still ofcource have my PC for gaming
Looking forward to being here with you guys, you all seem very professional and helpful (something hard to find in the PC world)

My friend left his iBook G4 over at the house and I decided to power it up, and play around with it. I loved how snappy it was, and the feel of it. He only had 256 mb of ram in it and I was still impressed. So what did I do?
I ordered myself a 12" iBook with 1 gig of ram, Mainly for traveling and Photoshop (think photoshop will run decent?). I'm going to be moving back to England at the end of the month and wanted something small, and portable, with good battery life, while I could of gotten a cheaper PC laptop the battery life was around..1 hour fully charged.
I still ofcource have my PC for gaming

Looking forward to being here with you guys, you all seem very professional and helpful (something hard to find in the PC world)