Originally posted by genghiscohen
More like comparing WinXP to Mac OS X 10.1.x, rather than Jaguar. XP is basically Win2k with eye candy. They run on the same kernel, after all.
Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected you to know anything about Macs.![]()
The kernel is a major component of the OS but not the end all and be all of everything. Remember, We're running the same kernal as Darwin, which it partialy shares with FreeBSD. You can't honestly say that the computing experience is the same on all the machines.
All distro's of Linux run on the same kernel (with minor versioning differences) but due to window manager and configuration differences many things are different on each.
Originally posted by Winaddict
What's the story behind the "permission?" I haven't heard that part of the lore.
How about you tell me how to upgrade KDE from 2 to 3 on Linux... There seems to be hell of a lot of dependencies when I try to upgrade any KDE related file. It becomes a whack-a-mole problem that expands to having to upgrade 30+ files and counting.
As far as I understand it Xerox wasn't going to actively develop the interface anymore and the top dogs opened up the doors to apple. Much to the dismay of all the lower ranking project managers.
I used to be die hard microsoft. I have a friend that works for them and I got to try out a few releases of whistler. The interface of the early copies were "normal". Once OS X Public Beta was released the next builds became candy colored with the "luna" interface. Earlier than that MS did something similar with win95. It was pretty much a combination of System 7 and NeXt.
Of course a lot can be said about stealing small portions of an interface and making it your own. There can only be so much innovation before you start to overlap with other OS's
As far as your KDE question, I have to say that it's an interesting upgrade for some.

I'll have to check back through my documentation to find the procedure I went through.