Switching between 8.6 & 9/X Partitions on G3 PB 400


Just a note about how NOT to switch between drive partitions if you've set up OS 8.6 on one partition and 9.04/X beta on a second partition.

In this scenario, if you're booted into OS X, and go to the Startup Disk System Preference, you will see three system folders displayed. One for X (Core Services), one for 9 (Classic Mac OS), and also one for 8.6.

If you want to go back to the 8.6 partition, DO NOT choose the 8.6 folder at this point. Instead, choose the OS 9 folder (Classic), and boot into OS 9. THEN you can go to the OS 9 Startup Disk Control Panel (NOT the new "System Disk Control Panel," which you use to move from 9 up to X) and choose your OS 8.6 partition, then restart.

If you choose the 8.6 System folder while in the OS X Startup Disk System Preference, it WILL boot back to the 8.6 partition, but then you can never go back to starting from the 9.04/X partition. The 9.04/X partition will be visible on the 8.6 Desktop, and in the 8.6 Startup Disk Control Panel, and may even be SELECTED in that control panel, but the Mac WILL NOT BOOT to it. At least, mine didn't (my system specs are listed below).

So remember, to go backwards, from X to 9.04 to 8.6, do it one step at a time.

Clear as mud?

Specs: PowerBook G3 Series (1999, bronze keyboard)
400 Mhz
320 Mb RAM
6 Gb HD

OS 8.6 (3 Gb HFS+ partition)
OS 9.04/X beta (3 Gb HFS+ partition)
I use the new "System Disk" control panel to switch between my two disk partitions constantly. One has 8.6 installed and the other has X installed. This has worked without a hitch, though when you're partitioning a 3 gig drive things can get a little cozy. I just ignore the setting in 8.6's "Startup Disk" control panel, as it won't let me choose my OS X partition because it doesn't have a System Folder that it can recognize.

I can certainly try it again, I have little to lose, the PowerBook is not my primary workstation currently.

I hope you can't hear me screaming from Chicago ;-)
I just re-read your post, iBook. Using the System Disk CP in OS 9 may well let you move from 9 down to 8.6, or from 9 to X (I just tried it, it works). But that doesn't address my initial conclusion that using OS X's Startup Disk System Preference to move directly from X to 8.6 could end up making the 9/X partition unbootable. I don't believe I'll take that risk just yet, though someone ELSE is certainly welcome to. ;-)
No no no, I'm moving from an OS 8.6-only to an OS-X only partition. OS 9 is not on my iBook in any way, shape, or form. YOU CAN use System Disk CP in OS 8.6. Trust me!