swizcore? Hmm, help on FTP...


Mac Ninja
I'm using an FTP account Swizcore gave me so I can transfer a file.

It is a Mac OS X box using file sharing, and allowing FTP.

Ok, now I can log in at my house (DSL), but here at my office (T1 line), the connection times out.

But... I can log into other FTPs just fine.

Ok but I just realized... we have no external IP over here... so I cannot log in to other computers outside our network. Downloading web content works fine, but we cannot do hardware handshaking basically. Later in January we are opening some ports to direct to our internal IPs, but for now, not yet.

Now, I can log into our web server's FTP (Red Hat Linux). So what is the difference between that and swizcore's OS X FTP?

Is it because swizcore's (OS X) is requiring to know our external IP? Is there anyway to fix this setting on OS X?

Any info I got wrong, swiz?
ok cool
sounds good
so maybe someone knows how to change the settings so that the FTP server does not need to do hardware handshaking (?), or require an external IP (?).

This is probably the solution... would be cool knowledge too

