Hey all
First off let me explain what I did. I created a symbolic link to my 2nd hard drive under "/" so I don't have to go through "/Volumes" to get there. Is there an easier way to do this? The GUI's "Computer" shows all the mounted volumes, I assume it does this by referencing the volumes folder when it creates the list?
Second, my question has to do with file permissions. For example, I want to completely cut off my other HD from any other user, save myself. I know how to do that by editing groups, etc. I'm curious as to how permissions work when related to symbolic links. Is the target checked for file permissions when a user attempts to follow a link?
Also though I've read some material on it, including the man pages I'm not really sure about the differences between a symbolic link and a hard link. Correct me where I'm wrong.
A symbolic link is like an alias, but unlike aliases in Mac OS 9 where you could have an alias to an application and then move that said application into another folder and still have a functioning alias, in OS X you can't do that. Symbolic links (aliases) are more or less just a file path and if the path is changed in anyway the link is broken. yes? So in that respect they work more like Window's target files... as soon as the file path changes the link is broken.
I don't know too much about hard link's except that they can't reference a directory and they don't break simply by changing the file path as a symbolic link does. I've read some material that says choosing between using a symbolic link and a hard link is often just a matter of taste. I find that hard to believe because the differences are non-trivial... Under what situation would you want to use a hard link over a symbolic link?
Comments appreciated
First off let me explain what I did. I created a symbolic link to my 2nd hard drive under "/" so I don't have to go through "/Volumes" to get there. Is there an easier way to do this? The GUI's "Computer" shows all the mounted volumes, I assume it does this by referencing the volumes folder when it creates the list?
Second, my question has to do with file permissions. For example, I want to completely cut off my other HD from any other user, save myself. I know how to do that by editing groups, etc. I'm curious as to how permissions work when related to symbolic links. Is the target checked for file permissions when a user attempts to follow a link?
Also though I've read some material on it, including the man pages I'm not really sure about the differences between a symbolic link and a hard link. Correct me where I'm wrong.
A symbolic link is like an alias, but unlike aliases in Mac OS 9 where you could have an alias to an application and then move that said application into another folder and still have a functioning alias, in OS X you can't do that. Symbolic links (aliases) are more or less just a file path and if the path is changed in anyway the link is broken. yes? So in that respect they work more like Window's target files... as soon as the file path changes the link is broken.
I don't know too much about hard link's except that they can't reference a directory and they don't break simply by changing the file path as a symbolic link does. I've read some material that says choosing between using a symbolic link and a hard link is often just a matter of taste. I find that hard to believe because the differences are non-trivial... Under what situation would you want to use a hard link over a symbolic link?
Comments appreciated