Synching WinCE(yuk) devices : ppp server badly needed


Hello all and thanks for all this information. Kudos to the guy who posted the tip about moving the vm file to another disk, it got my OS noticeably faster :D

I badly need a ppp server so i can have my handheld connecting to the internet and accessing my local net. these pdas use the ppp protocol, and i need OS X to answer calls from the serial port. Unfortunately, it looks like OS X canÍt serve pppƒ Why the hell didnÍt Apple bundled it ? This is standard on Linuxƒ So please if you hear about an OS X ppp server, please reply to this post.

I installed telnet for windows ce and canÍt wait to use it ! Just imagine sudoing make install with a stylus and a 1 centimeter thick computerƒ yum