System Crashes Waking from Sleep


A World Without Windows

I have a PB G3 500 "bronze" with 10.1.2 and 9.2 as Classic which loads on startup. If it goes to sleep itself, it happily wakes up when I ask it. If I tell the machine to sleep by using the sleep command on the menu, it sleeps. If I then think of something and wake it up again, it wakes.

However, if I leave it asleep for a while (as I did over last night) when I open the lid, it wakes up, except that I get a whole load of white text on black lines across the screen saying:

Unresolved kernel trap

then a whole load of gobbledeygook and finally:

Memory access exception (1,0,0)
Waiting for remote debugger connection.

This means a lot less than nothing to me and I have been unable to find anything on the web about it so my only option (to date) has been to restart.

Does anybody have any ideas?
An update on progress...

1st thing I did was remove the SCSI card and to date, it hasn't happened again...
I have a PB Ti and have the same exact problem. I'm going to pull the SCSI card and see if that solves it.
