System Maintenance/Repair


goonies never say die
I was wondering what is the best system repair utility to use to repair my hardrive? I run Norton on my iMac, but it doesn't work with OS X. So in the meantime, I've been using MacJanitor and repairing permissions once a week, but I know that those programs don't catch everything. I've had my G4 for almost a year now and about 2/3 of my 60GB hardrive is full. So which program can do the same things as Norton Utilities can with my iMac, which is to optimize the hardrive and repair damaged files? Diskwarrior 3? Techtool Pro 4? Norton SystemWorks?
Avoid Norton with OS X at all costs. Its coding doesn't play well with the unix underpinnings.
Both DiskWarrior and TechTool are solid apps that do the job.
You may want to look at a program such as Maintain or Cocktail for regular upkeep.
I used Norton SystemWorks 2.0 once and it screwed up my computer and installed stuff all over the place. Right now I think I'm leaning towards TechTool.
I use Norton for non X partitions, without any problems. For the X partition, I just do regular cleanup and run the shell scripts to keep things running smooth. No problems in over 6 months since i had Panther. Norton on a X partition will really screw things up, but all my other partitions work fine. 6 partitions, one of which is a X partition, all on 3 internal drives.

If you still in Jag, I would upgrade, it's worth it... because i did the same thing but had all kinds of problems with Jag, Panther is so much more stable.
Personally I am a fan of TechTool Pro 4 with its Swiss Army knife approach to system maintenance tools. It is the most complete repair and analysis tool for OS X. Many others swear by DiskWarrior 3. DW 3 is essentially a one trick pony, volume repair and optimization, but it does that one trick very very well. By-the-way, in this case optimization means optimizing the directory not defragmenting the files and volume. TechTool Pro has Directory Maintenance which is the same thing as DWs repair and optimization and in addition will optimize, read defragment, files and volumes.

I won't allow a copy of Nortons in the same room with one of my Macs. Besides that NUM has been officially EOLed by Symantec.