System Shutdown Message


Hi, I got this System Shutdown Message that asks me to hold the power button for several seconds. I think it also came out in several different languages. I was running several apps at that time including some webpages in Safari and Azureus bit torrent client. It happened twice and I hate to see this happening when I'm working in Maya or Combustion.
How can I find out exactly what caused this, whether it's an app or OS X itself? I'm still new to Macs ( less than a year). This is the first time its happening since I got my Mac.

I'm currently running 10.3.4 on a DP 2 Ghz G5 w/ 2GB of Ram

It's a kernel panic - the OS messed up in some way.

Is there any particular application you happen to be running when this pops up, or is there anything else you've done the same both times it happened?
Thanks for the reply,
I wasn't doing anything heavy, I had a couple of Safari windows open
and Azureaus bit torrent client running in the background downloading
some files.

Does OS X have a system log file or crash file that I can view? If so, where is
it located? Is it difficult to understand those files?

I've experienced one of these also for the first time this week. Earlier that session, I had to Force Quit iTunes because it hung (swirling beach ball) when I was ripping a CD to mp3's. About an hour later I had Calculator running and the BSOD (sorry) showed up when I tried to open my Mozilla browser.

I've had some occasional stability problems with third-party appps, namely Missing Sync desktop client -- for my Palm handheld. But that was the first issue I had with an Apple app and the OS itself.

In any event, a restart seems to restore the system pretty well.